Publishing Goblin
over 1 year ago

Project Update: The Road Forward

Hello all you amazing people!
I'm a little behind on the wrapup here, my apologies. I have been emptying my storage unit this week so I can stop paying for it! An admirable goal, but it means I've been neglectful. Well, no longer!

We will begin charging backers now, and tomorrow I will be putting up the post-campaign page, including the pre-order store which will stay open through December. Thought I would get that done today but doesn't look to be happening just yet.
(Edit: I did it right now! I should be getting surveys out to you all this week so you can go to add-ons if you desire.)
((This should be the pre-order store if you want to share with friends who missed the campaign!))


So financially, the campaign broke even very nicely. This is a first forray back into games for me. If you aren't familiar, my first crowdfunding campaigns, and indeed the first dozen campaigns I launched on crowdfunding, were games!
4 failed. The rest were slowly gaining momentum, but momentum in a $1500 to then $2100 kind of way.  The biggest campaign had 122 backers and made $2,848.

Needless to say, this is a leap forward in comparison. It's not $1.4 million like the Alleyman's, and it's not the $300k+ off the Oracle Dice, but it's the biggest game crowdfunding campaign I've ever done by a factor of 10 at the least. Considering how many games I have to crowdfund next year, it sure looks like a good sign to me!

(For those curious, you can look forward to ZOETROPE, a card-based Time travel roleplaying game full of fun shenanigans going to a second edition, the first expansion and reprint of New Avernus once it's been out in the world for almost a year, What We Possess, a ghostly story-telling card game, and/or maybe a first look at my upcoming deck-building card game Spiritual Slaughter Seven, or my law-making game Ultimaeus, or who knows what else. There's so many games out here!)

If you're curious on the specific finances, it basically breaks it down to:
Bringing in around $26,000 after fees, then paying around $8000 after additional fees and ads with Backerkit, $8500-9000 on manufacturing, and $11,000 reimbursing my company for work the artist (Emma) did on the game, the oracle, I have already paid for. Any remaining earnings, which it's looking to be about nothing just yet before we get to pre-orders and extra add-ons, will go to Asher for redesigning the game. We'll have time before the end of the year to bring some more money in for him though, so don't worry just yet.

Adjustments and Manufacturing

I am sending the final adjustments for the game to the artist to adjust some cards, tiles, typos, color fixes, etc today and tomorrow. There's little to adjust at this point, we did a LOT of finetuning leading up to the print tests I have on hand, so there's not a lot to change now in the final hour, which is great!

Asher and I are doing a little more blind playtesting to make sure the rulebook explains the game clearly and well for new players who don't have he or I on hand to teach the game. Should be complete shortly for us to submit for full-scale production! Then we ship out, which will be quite lovely. 

Thanks for supporting this, it means a lot to me and Asher both, and it's amazing to have so much love for a return to games for my company! There's a LOT more where this comes from, so stay on the lookout, and talk very soon as surveys go out!

your Pub Gob




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