Publishing Goblin
about 2 months ago

Project Update: The 7 Dead Kings

Early this morning, 2AM Mountain Time, She Who Brings Silver came by, along with She Who Brings Gold and She Who Brings Color. What a nice gift for us! Looks like we have plenty of goals still going along at the bottom of the update here, Achievements yet to be achieved...

Welcome in the 7 Dead Kings, my friends. 
The Suicide King, The Drowned King, The Charred King, The Lost King, The Frozen King, The Courteous King, and the Betrayed King! As always Ezra is masterful with the people, each emerging from their spaces with glamor and grace, all while dying. The Kings are my favorite of the Majors, because the courts of the seasons have no Kings! So before you even ask where they went to, you see the 7 Dead Kings. The Patriarchy is dead, but even in death, they haunt the deck with their passing.

Which is your favorite?
The Suicide King, facing intimacy and tragedy hand in hand, a loss of hope, finally ending in self-destruction?
The Drowned King, caught in tragedy and hubris, the overconfidence of ambition, but then washed away in the overwhelming waves?
The Charred King, caught between tragedy and metamorphosis, purification in rebirth, and destruction?
The Lost King, seeking closure but not finding it among the tragedy, caught in mystery, the unknown, and anxiety?
The Frozen King, tragedy in his non-moving, his stagnation, his denial, grief, and decay?
The Courteous King, tragic in his compassion and kindness, his hospitality and mercy his own downfall?
or the Betrayed King, caught in his revenge, taken by treachery, locked in his obsession?

As always, watch the video update if you want to see the Gold and Silver takes on the Kings.

The Caretaker, Live!

Check for the next update when we set our date for The Caretaker, the designer of the Normal Tarot, to go Live and discuss the history of Tarot, and the creation of the Normal Tarot! It will be a live, and you'll be able to chat and ask questions!

Let me know what questions you might have in the comments, and we can plan to talk about those topics!

Thanks all,
your pub gob

When we reach the goal, we unlock a mysterious Wandering Tier!
Goal: 38 / 500
We need 462 more to reach this goal.
When we reach the goal, we unlock a mysterious Wandering Tier!
Goal: 42 / 500
We need 458 more to reach this goal.
A Wanderer Approaches!
Goal: 1,675 backers reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
A Wanderer Approaches!
Goal: $131,198 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Goal: 266 / 300
We need 34 more to reach this goal.




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