Latest from the Creator
Roll For Combat
16 days ago
Mimics Are Finished! Printer Proofs Are Coming!
Hey everyone, lots of big news today! Printer Proofs Sent First, I was informed that the press proofs were being sent to me via FedEx. That means the pages have all been printe...
Mark Seifter
about 1 month ago
PF2 1.0 (and 1.1) PDFs and Foundry Released, 5e Soon!
Hi everyone! Earlier this week, we released the 1.0 PDF and foundry module for Pathfinder 2e and updated them to v1.1 with two small changes. You can still let us know if you s...
Mark Seifter
3 months ago
Classic Creatures v0.9a PDF (and Pathbuilder 2e) is Available Now!
Hi everyone! Big news: Classic Creatures is nearing completion, and you should have received an email from Stephen with a download link for the 0.9 PDF for PF2 or 5E, depending...
Roll For Combat
3 months ago
Big Classic Creatures Updates! PDFs Incoming!
Big news, everyone; here is the quick rundown! • The Pathfinder version of Battlezoo Ancestries: Classic Creatures is ready... expect for one piece of art. We just finished the ...
Roll For Combat
3 months ago
Classic Creatures Incoming!
Hey everyone, big news, the books are nearly done! Here is the general update so you know exactly where we stand. 1. The Pathfinder version of Battlezoo Ancestries: Classic Crea...
Mark Seifter
3 months ago
Slimeheart Sneak Peek
Hey everyone! We're getting close on the PF2 pdf, and last time, it looks like slimeheart was the most requested preview, so let's take a quick look at slimeheart today! Sli...
Roll For Combat
16 days ago

Project Update: Mimics Are Finished! Printer Proofs Are Coming!

Hey everyone, lots of big news today!

Printer Proofs Sent

First, I was informed that the press proofs were being sent to me via FedEx. That means the pages have all been printed and are ready to be bound into a finished book. The printing house sends me the final printed pages for approval, and then once approved, they are bound into a book and shipped out. We are on track for the books to arrive in the warehouse around October. I'll know more specifics once the pages are approved and the books are bound. I'll update everyone with pictures once I get those printer proofs, most likely next week.

The Mimics Are Done!

Next, the manufacturer has informed me that the mimics are ready! Over 1,100 mimics were made, all by hand, and they are about to be shipped to the warehouse, awaiting your greedy little hands!

Check it out—that's a lot of mimics!

Battlezoo Bestiary: Elemental Storm is Coming!

Sign up today to receive a Kraken Dice Locket & Animated Monster Tokens!

The third book in the Battlezoo Bestiary line is nearly ready to launch, and this one might be our largest book yet! We decided to go all out for this one and have added a massive number of new options for both players and GMs!

Inside this book, you'll find:
  • 200+ pages packed with stunning illustrations (and zero AI art)!
  • Over 150 Innovative and Award-Winning Elemental Monsters!
  • Dozens of new elemental spells!
  • Detailed Rules and new options for the Monster Parts System, allowing anyone to craft weapons, armor, items, potions, and more from ANY monster!
  • New rules for the Monster Hunter player option, which will allow PCs to climb on monsters, attack their weak spots, use their weapons against themselves, and much more!
  • Hundreds of free digital files, tokens, and more are included in every tier!
  • And much more!

Sign Up to Receive the Exclusive Kraken Dice Locket!

Sign up before the Elemental Storm launches and receive this exclusive Kraken Dice Locket with a Full Set of Miniature Dice! This offer is only available to anyone who signs up now and backs with a physical pledge tier. This locket won't be available any other way!

This locket and animated tokens will only be available when you sign up today! Don't miss out!

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I am a Backer in the 800's but never received info on the mimic will I receive one with my book.





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Mark Seifter
about 1 month ago

Project Update: PF2 1.0 (and 1.1) PDFs and Foundry Released, 5e Soon!

Hi everyone!

Earlier this week, we released the 1.0 PDF and foundry module for Pathfinder 2e and updated them to v1.1 with two small changes. You can still let us know if you see anything else, but this is now a stable release.

We are in the process of finalizing the PDF and Foundry modules for 5E, and they are nearly complete as well. As an estimate, most likely they will release in two weeks, after Stephen returns from Origins. 

Lastly, on the hardcover front, the printing process is going well, with final proofs coming in shortly. The one wrinkle for the hardcover lies not with printing but with shipping. A shipping crisis in the Red Sea has had ripple effects leading to worldwide shipping delays. The net result is that we're now expecting the Classic Creatures hardcover in October. So most likely that will be when the warehouse is able to start shipping them to you.

~Mark Seifter, Roll for Combat Director of Game Design
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5e gone to print yet?





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Mark Seifter
3 months ago

Project Update: Classic Creatures v0.9a PDF (and Pathbuilder 2e) is Available Now!

Hi everyone!

Big news: Classic Creatures is nearing completion, and you should have received an email from Stephen with a download link for the 0.9 PDF for PF2 or 5E, depending upon what you backed. Our proofreaders have been hard at work, but we wanted to give you early access since it's so close to being done.

Since there are several hundred changes from the original Year of Monsters (in addition to somewhere around 50 pages of all-new content), if you spot something in the version 0.9 PDF, let us know on the Roll For Combat Discord channel at

In the same vein, we have a Pathbuilder file for Classic Creatures v0.9 (for those who ordered the Pathfinder PDFs or have the Foundry Pathfinder module), which is not final either. If you notice any issues in the Pathbuilder file, you can report them on the RFC Discord channel, too.

The Foundry modules are still under development and won't be available for a few more weeks, though progress is moving forward well. Based on your feedback on the 0.9 version, we expect to release the final version of the Classic Creatures PDFs shortly.

Thanks for your help, and enjoy your classic creatures!

~Mark Seifter, Roll for Combat Director of Game Design
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Roll For Combat
3 months ago

Project Update: Big Classic Creatures Updates! PDFs Incoming!

Big news, everyone; here is the quick rundown!

  • The Pathfinder version of Battlezoo Ancestries: Classic Creatures is ready... expect for one piece of art. We just finished the final layout and proofing for the Pathfinder version of Classic Creatures. However, we are still waiting for one piece of art to be completed, and then we'll send the PDFs to everyone! FYI, here is a little sneak preview of this piece of art in it's current state.

  • The 5E version of Battlezoo Ancestries: Classic Creatures is nearly done. All text and layout are done, and we are currently performing copyfit and proofing. Expect the 5E version to follow the PF2 version around 1-2 weeks later.
  • We will also update the Pathbuilder 2e and Foundry VTT files in the next few weeks. As those get closer to release, we'll let everyone know when to expect them.
  • It looks like the final page count will be 224 pages for the Pathfinder book and 248 pages for the 5E version.
  • The pages are at the printer now and we are in the process of proofing.
  • The mimic dice boxes are being produced in bulk right now. I should have a final sample to show everyone in a few weeks, and I'll share it with everyone once it arrives from the factory.

Finally, we are also in the process of finalizing the limited edition covers. Here is what they currently look like (ignore the extra black around the edges; that is for the printer bleed). We worked hard on the back page so that it's custom for each limited edition version of Battlezoo going forward, where we can easily update/change the icons for each specific book. Check it out!

And if you missed out on Battlezoo Ancestries: Classic Creatures, you can still order them now at the store!

Add Some Dragons to Your Mimics!

Time is running out to back our latest project, Battlezoo Ancestries: Secret Dragons!

Secret Dragons is four new dragon books, each detailing a new and exciting family of dragons: fairy dragons connected to fey, misfit dragons with weird magical mishaps, leshy dragons connected to plants and fungi, and battle dragons who live for the thrill of battle.

Over 30 New Dragons Added and over $200k Raised!🎉 There's something for everyone!

🐉 20 New Playable Dragon Races!
⚔️ 100+ New Dragon Statblocks!
📚 400+ pages packed with hundreds of Dragons!
🐲 Dozens of pages of Lore!
✨ 100+ VTT tokens!
🔥 Free Pathbuilder 2e file!
🏰 And much more!

Help Us Unlock the Blue Great Wyrm Dragon! Back Today!





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Roll For Combat
3 months ago

Project Update: Classic Creatures Incoming!

Hey everyone, big news, the books are nearly done! Here is the general update so you know exactly where we stand.

  1. The Pathfinder version of Battlezoo Ancestries: Classic Creatures is done and currently undergoing proofreading. After proofreading is complete, we will begin updating the Foundry module and Pathbuilder 2e files to reflect the updates. Proofreading should take 1-2 weeks, and then module development will follow shortly after. For backers, we have included a sneak preview of the Nymph Queen Archetype below!
  2. The 5E version of Battlezoo Ancestries: Classic Creatures is being worked on currently and should be finished within 2 weeks. The 5E version will follow the same pattern as the PF2 version, with the PDF and Foundry module updates following around 2 weeks behind the Pathfinder version.
  3. For your information, the Pathfinder book is approximately 224 pages long, and the 5E version is approximately 248 pages long.
  4. As for the hardcover versions, we have already sent the initial files to the printer and expect the final hardcover to be shipped in late summer if everything goes well. So far, so good.
  5. We also started sending files and codes to people on BackerKit. For those of you confused when you redeemed the codes on the store and only received the Year of Monsters files, that is correct. We haven't completed the Classic Creatures single book yet, so you will be receiving the Year of Monsters PDFs instead for now. But don't worry—you'll receive the Classic Creatures PDF as soon as it's ready to go!
  6. Finally, for those people who are having issues redeeming your codes on, please follow these steps:

  • If you already redeemed the same code in the past, the new code won't work as it's for the same product. Don't worry if you purchased the hardcover book in the BackerKit and the PDFs in the past, you don't need to redeem the PDFs at a second time (nor can you). Your hardcover will ship even if you don't redeem the code, the codes are simply for the PDFs.
  • Make sure you click on the redeem link and redeem the correct version of the PDFs. The codes only work for a specific version of the book that you ordered, so if you accidentally add the PF2 version to your cart when you ordered the 5E version, the code won't work.
  • If you continue to have issues, please write me at [email protected] and I'll help you out.

So, hold on tight, as Classic Creatures will be flooding your inbox (and mailbox) shortly!

And if you missed out on Battlezoo Ancestries: Classic Creatures, you can still order them now at the store!

Add Some Dragons to Your Mimics!

Time is running out to back our latest project, Battlezoo Ancestries: Secret Dragons!

Secret Dragons is four new dragon books, each detailing a new and exciting family of dragons: fairy dragons connected to fey, misfit dragons with weird magical mishaps, leshy dragons connected to plants and fungi, and battle dragons who live for the thrill of battle.

Over 25 Stretch Goals Unlocked!🎉 There's something for everyone!

🐉 20 New Playable Dragon Races!
⚔️ 100+ New Dragon Statblocks!
📚 400+ pages packed with hundreds of Dragons!
🐲 Dozens of pages of Lore!
✨ 100+ VTT tokens!
🔥 Free Pathbuilder 2e file!
🏰 And much more!

Help Us Unlock the Umbral Great Wyrm Dragon! Back Today!

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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Mark Seifter
3 months ago

Project Update: Slimeheart Sneak Peek

Slimeheart minotaur!

Hey everyone!

We're getting close on the PF2 pdf, and last time, it looks like slimeheart was the most requested preview, so let's take a quick look at slimeheart today!

Slimehearts are creatures who have become part slime through some means or another. In the versatile heritage, I describe four origins for slimehearts: slimed, experiments, hosts, and divisions. There's a lot more information in the full write-up, but TLDR slimed are creatures who survive a dangerous encounter with an ooze forever changed; experiments are creatures who gained oozelike powers through their own experiment or that of another (whether they were a voluntary test subject or not); hosts are creatures who bonded with an ooze symbiote, potentially allowing them to survive a lethal situation; and divisions are creatures who divided from a slime while not being entirely slime, possibly due to pieces of other creatures in the slime at the time.

Mechanically, much like draconic scion before it, slimeheart can take a ton of the slime ancestry feats (the base heritage does a lot of work making slimeheart compatible), while possessing a few ancestry feats of its own: a slime form feat and a motionsense feat. 

Take a peek at the full intro section in the backers-only exclusive content below, and let me know in the comments which versatile heritage or archetype you'd like to see next!

~Mark Seifter, Roll for Combat Director of Game Design
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I just received an email saying that I could download the digital version of the book, but when I use the code provided via the Backerkit Update, the page says the code has already been used. Was this an error with the code itself or something?





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I don't see the option to get a Classic Creatures PDF only. I would like to have both 5e and Pathfinder versions, but not both physical books. I have one physical book with PDF, and I'd like to add a PDF for the other one in the survey, but I do not see the option. Unless I'm missing it?





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Mark Seifter
4 months ago

Project Update: Preliminary PF2 Done for New Content! 5e Conversion Underway!

Vrock on with the demonic marauder!

Hi everyone! I'm delighted to announce that the preliminary text is written for the Pathfinder 2e additional content for this project (demonic marauder, nymph queen, yai adept, doppelborn, faerie scion, nymphtouched, and slimeheart). They came out really well! I've been passing the pieces over for conversion as they were written, and so the 5e conversion is underway as well. I'll include a couple juicy feats from demonic marauder in the backer only section below (which of the others do you want a sneak preview from next? I just had to do the demonic marauder given we have the vrock art in yesterday, but let me know in the comments below).

What's left? We did some weird layout wizardry starting with the old layout files to save importing and exporting multiple times and make copyfit faster, but we will still need to wait for a few art pieces and then copyfit and fix the page numbers (always last after the copyfitting in case they change) before the PF2 pdf is done done. 5e is coming along too; it'll be a race between the last art pieces and the 5e conversion. I'd expect 5e conversion to be complete (and then checked by me) in the coming weeks, and that means we're getting close on the pdfs!  

Once the text is done, Foundry and Pathbuilder will get started, and the text will go to the printers who can get started on making the physical copies. 

~Mark Seifter, Roll for Combat Director of Game Design
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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Mark Seifter
4 months ago

Project Update: Get Battlezoo Ancestries Fusions Free and Check Out Secret Dragons!

This is not an April Fool's fakeout! You can go to our new Kickstarter page now and download Battlezoo Ancestries Fusions for free. This new ancestry will allow you and your friends (or just you if your game is short on players) to jointly take control of a hydra, cerberus, or two-headed giant and work together to create powerful combination effects like the mighty Omega Beam! It's available for PF2, 5e, Pathbuilder, Foundry VTT, animated tokens... the works. And it's all free!

While you're over there, we'd love it if you wanted to back our new project, Secret Dragons, four new dragon books, each detailing a new and exciting family of dragons: fairy dragons connected to fey, misfit dragons with weird magical mishaps, leshy dragons connected to plants and fungi, and battle dragons who live for the thrill of battle. To continue the wild launch day offers, if you back in the first 48 hours for all four dragon books, we're throwing in a special edition of the original dragon book, plus PDF, plus digital assets (all three combined worth a total of over $100) for free!

Check it out now and get this limited edition free hardcover book, as it's free for the first 48 hours only!

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Made order mistake I didn't notice Jewel was Pathfinder I thought it was 5E any way to fix that.

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Roll For Combat
4 months ago

Project Update: Initial Surveys Are Out Now!

We just got approval to go live from BackerKit, so the initial "smoke test" surveys have been sent out! If you are among the lucky 49 people who got their initial survey, go nuts! :)

This is actually a very complex survey, as every tier has a different set of questions to answer, so we are going to take our time to make sure we got everything right before we send out the surveys to everyone else sometime next week.

In the meantime, sit back, relax, and prepare for our annual April Fool's Day release on Monday, April 1st! Below is a little sneak peek of what you can download this Monday. What could it be?!?

Included in this completely free April Fool's download, you'll find:
  • Free PDF for PF2
  • Free PDF for 5e
  • Free Pathbuilder 2e JSON.
  • Dozens of free tokens for use in any VTT.
  • Free animated tokens!
  • Instructions on how to get your free Foundry VTT module for both PF2 and 5E!
  • And more!




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Mark Seifter
4 months ago

Project Update: New Nymph Art: Next Stages!

Last week, I talked about the art process for the new nymph heritages (which also serve as art for nymph queens as well).

I gave Stephen everyone's feedback, and he sent notes back to the artist, who produced the next stage of art.

Here we have the asteria queen:

The art does a great job of capturing the way an asteria embodies the mystery of the stars and space!

And then below is the maenad queen:

The maenad queen just wants you to join the party... it'll be completely safe, right? Well... maybe not. Check the exclusive backer update below for a wild bacchanalia feat available to all maenads at higher levels that captures the mythology of maenads leading people into a frenzy where they might tear you apart!
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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