Matthew J. Hanson
10 months ago

Project Update: We Did It!

Hello This and That Backers,

We did it! With all your help we reached more than four times our initial funding goal! Thanks for a great campaign.

Next Steps

Now that the campaign is over, we’re shifting focus to getting the product out. We have a little bit of work to do on Cart and Wagon, but should have that out by the end of the month. 

Then it’s just a matter of adding the appendices and formatting everything for print. I hope to have things print ready by the end of September and start shipping books by the end of October. Of course there’s always a chance that we’ll run into hiccups, but with so much of the work done already, I think it’s less likely on this book.

Between now and release, I’ll send out an update at least once a month to keep you guys up to date. I also plan to send out backer surveys in the next couple of weeks, but I’ll be sure to post another update when those are ready to go out.







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