As someone with an already large Munchkin collection that's stretched across four Monster Boxes as it is - I'm super happy to see that this campaign comes with 14 card dividers - As I've always had trouble finding dividers that fit the Monster Box (it has thinner openings than most card boxes, so most dividers wind up being too wide to fit in it) If you threw in more dividers as a stretch goal, or even a paid add-on, I would not object, lol. And I would be remiss if I didn't say that before the campaign was out. Honestly I think a lot of people are sleeping on the less flashy quality of life items that come in this set. I look forward to finally having dividers that will fit my monster boxes and would love an option to buy more. I also love that this box includes a consolidated rulebook. Will the rulebook only cover what comes in the box?? Or will it also cover rule concepts introduced in other munchkin expansions not ? (Steeds for instance - From Munchkin 4 - Which is not in this box. So will the rulebook cover Steeds? I'd love it if the rulebook covered ALL things Munchkin, even beyond what's in the box)

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