1. In terms of total money funded I'd say were in the end game, maybe we can get a bit over 1M but higher than that I doubt 2. I believe you can be more creative with BE (backer exclusive) SGs and I think that what makes them better. Kovalics art book and the loaded deck feels more appreciated by the backers than blank cards or promo cards reprint (although dividers were great) and for me atleast it's because they add more. the loaded deck will have a big impact and I love me some Kovalic art whilst the promo cards is just (although nice) 20 cards among 650+ 2 tldr: BE SGs are better = more pledges 3. FOMO is real, people are more inclined to buy stuff they can only get now = more pledges So to summarize, I think that backer exclusive SGs have higher potential and people want limited only things which I believe will get more backers and as a bonus I think it will make current backers even happier (more money = more stuff and read point 2) YMMV





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