Patrick Edwards
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Another Stretch Goal Unlocked!

Hello, you beautiful wonderful humans!

No Rick today... today, you get Pat Edwards! That's right, I finally wrested away control of the email reins! Let the chaos and mayhem commence! Muahahahahaha

But in all seriousness, I am super excited to announce that, as of writing this, we have just cracked $114,000, unlocking the next stretch goal: The Compatibility Pack. After the book is completed, we'll send out a survey to our backers and the most requested game system will get a Black Ballad conversion edition. Neat, huh?

No rest for the weary, though, as we already have our sights set on the next goal: MORE Contributor Raises. That's right. Once we hit $120,000 we can add another 10% raise to our exceptional freelance contributors. We want to pay our collaborators as much as we possibly can. They fu- er, I mean- flipping deserve it. (Rick told me I couldn't do a cuss on these emails, that big ol' snuggle lump)

I'm so excited to see what comes next!

And speaking of things to come...

Feature Highlight: Atonement Grove

We have run Chapter 1 of The Black Ballad behind the scenes and live on streams a handful of times now. We knew when crafting it that the Atonement Grove encounter would provide ample opportunity for some meaningful roleplay... but wow, we've been overwhelmed with the beautiful moments our players have delivered. In case you missed any of the playtest streams, Atonement Grove offers the players a chance to interact with a mirror image of themselves... though it's a bit more than that. The reflection they encounter, their Unsullied Visage as it's called, is not an exact copy. It is a version of the player's character with all their memories and life experiences, except all personal bias has been stripped away, allowing them to receive a raw, unfiltered perspective on their now-finished mortal life. This can be a humorous, joyful experience... or a deep, emotional reckoning. We have witnessed both play out in real-time, and honestly, we weren't ready for the feels. We are extremely excited for you all to experience Atonement Grove for yourself. As an unnamed Unsullied Visage once said, "The hardest part of death is accepting that we were never quite who we thought we were in life... that the version of us inside our heads was just a dream all along..."

Oof, who else needs a drink? I know I do. But before I go, one last thing: Thank you so flipping much for your support 





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