The Black Piper
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Fully Funded - Thank you!

Hi all,

Michael here. We are extremely grateful for the generosity and excitement you all have for this adventurous endeavor! Thank you all - to those who helped make this the first ever campaign to be funded before launch and to those who have shown up on our first day to put us over 175% of the main goal!

To the authors who have signed on: we can't wait to read and engage with your stories musically and in the editing phase. I know many of you have already started writing, and I've had the pleasure to read drafts of a few of them, only heightening my excitement. 

To celebrate the success of this first day, we'll be doing a live stream and inviting you all. We're ironing out the details now, but it's looking like it may be next Saturday, the 11th. I'll let you know. There may or may not be a happy dance involved. It hasn't been confirmed yet.

Lastly, thank you to those who have begun spreading the word! We'll need all we can get over the next 29 days!

You're all the best!

~ Michael & The Team @ The Black Piper

Tales of The Black Piper is happening!
Goal: $4,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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