When have you seen your inner warrior come through and stand for what's right? When have you noticed she lacked the gumption to do so? What were the results of those experiences? Would you do anything differently?

In developing this project, my Warrior energy came through for the sake of empowering women and their cycles as a welcome Rite of Passage. 
I remember when I got my first bleed, there was only a pink hue on the toilet paper, and I was ecstatic and shared gleefully with my mom. She was not as enthused and also not convinced that I was having my first bleed yet. I quickly learned how to use tampons, because "pads were messy", and it was not until I was in my 30's that I really started to appreciate and honor what my PMS and Menstrual experience was telling me. 
It is my hope that we can joyfully welcome this Initiation of womanhood and honor the intelligence as each cycle, for ourselves as individuals, feel connected and supported in community and fostering the wellbeing of these next generations to come. 
How many of you feel like your bleed is a drag? Is something you detest? Or wish you could pray to go away? Unfortunately, I hear this with many women. I think this is because many of us did not have a ceremonious Initiation into womanhood, have experienced some trauma within the womb, or just do not have the understanding of what the womb's language is as you're cycling through. 
Your cycle is here to heal and regenerate health within the body, can you imagine that?




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