Latest from the Creator
The Wanderer's Tome
3 days ago
Foundry update (1 day left for 30% off!) and DEADLINE!
Greetings Wanderers! A small update for our backers regarding the foundry VTT module. You have 24 hours left to use 30% off code on the module for Flabbergasted. Scroll down t...
The Wanderer's Tome
19 days ago
Flabbergasted! for Foundry VTT - OUT NOW!
Flabbergasted for Foundry VTT - Out now! Greetings Wanderers! You've asked and we've listened! Flabbergasted our ENNIE-nominated TTRPG is finally available on Foundry VTT! We'...
The Wanderer's Tome
2 months ago
August Update - Foundry VTT and Writing Progress!
August Update Hello wanderers!  Before we get into the book progress - first a quick update regarding surveys! There are missing backers who have not filled in the surveys thro...
The Wanderer's Tome
4 months ago
Pre-order store open! Surveys being sent out!
Hi everyone! It's time for our first post-funding update!  We've been working on writing out Mystifed and opening up our pre-order store so first things first: BackerKit Surve...
The Wanderer's Tome
5 months ago
Thank you all for the support!💕 What happens next?
Hello wonderful backers ❤️ Firstly, thank you all for a fantastic campaign! We've managed to do better than our first campaign with Flabbergasted which we are just floored abo...
The Wanderer's Tome
5 months ago
1 day left! Play Flabbergasted at UKGE!
Hello Wanderers! We're just over a day away from the end of this campaign! Thank you all so much for the support ♥ We wanted to announce that we will be exhibiting at UKGE thi...
The Wanderer's Tome
3 days ago

Project Update: Foundry update (1 day left for 30% off!) and DEADLINE!

Greetings Wanderers!
A small update for our backers regarding the foundry VTT module. You have 24 hours left to use 30% off code on the module for Flabbergasted. Scroll down to see the coupon if you're a backer and be sure to use it before time's up ♥ You can learn more and purchase the Foundry module here.

We're also pleased to announce that once Mystified is done, we will be working on a Foundry conversion for it as well. 🎉 Mystified module will be out next year with Hod Publishing. 🎉

I also wanted to give a shout-out to another game we're crowdfunding right now here on Backerkit! Deadline - A Clockwork Press is the latest game we've been working on.

DEADLINE is a news-chronicling and map-making TTRPG where players take on the role of a journalist for the largest news publishing house in the city. Presented in a newspaper format, this game brings a new approach to storytelling and world-building.

This campaign will be live for another 2 weeks!

Thank you all for your continued support ♥

Fleur & Chelsea

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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The Wanderer's Tome
18 days ago

Project Update: Flabbergasted! for Foundry VTT - OUT NOW!

Flabbergasted for Foundry VTT - Out now!

Greetings Wanderers!
You've asked and we've listened! Flabbergasted our ENNIE-nominated TTRPG is finally available on Foundry VTT! We've partnered up with Hod Publishing for this virtual tabletop conversion and we're very happy with the end result!

The Foundry VTT module contains both the Core Rules plus the “Welcome to Brabble Manor” setting. Apart from converting the entire Flabbergasted book for Foundry, there are some unique features like custom animated backgrounds in landscape format, new club emblems, and a 1920s music playlist.

You can purchase the Foundry module here.

Thank you for your continued support! ♥
Fleur & Chelsea

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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The Wanderer's Tome
about 1 month ago

Project Update: August Update - Foundry VTT and Writing Progress!

August Update

Hello wanderers! 

Before we get into the book progress - first a quick update regarding surveys! There are missing backers who have not filled in the surveys through Backerkit. If you are one of them, check your emails for an invite. Otherwise you can message us or retrieve your survey through here -

For the backers who backed at The Chief Inspector and The Wanderer level, please check your messages for a form we sent you. It's important to fill them in as we can't include your commission in the book until you do.

Next update is that we're officially launching Flabbergasted on Foundry!
We promised to get Flabbergasted to a VTT platform and we're so excited that Hod Publishing are going to be developing and publishing Flabbergasted for Foundry. It will be out this September!

Next update is regarding the book progress!
We're currently in the process of writing the book and playtesting it further. There's still quite a bit of writing to be done with the mysteries and cities but we hope it'll be mostly ready by our next update and we can show some art and book layouts then.
Here is where we are at with regards to writing the book and the current structure:

  • 1 - The Start | 100% written | editing left
    • The Players | 100% written | editing left
  • 2 - The Mystery | 90% written
    • Running the Mystery | 90% written
  • 3 - Expanded Rules
    • Secret Societies | 100% written
    • Club Upgrades | 100% written
    • Combat | 100% written
  • 4 - The Tale
    • Pembrook | 50% written
      • Detailed Mystery | 25% written
      • Short Mystery Sheet | 0% written
    • Porto Verde | 0% written
      • Detailed Mystery | 0% written
      • Short Mystery Sheet | 0% written
    • Kravenspire | 50% written
      • Detailed Mystery | 0% written
      • Short Mystery Sheet | 0% written
  • 5 - The Extras
    • Occult in the 1920s | 100% written | editing left
    • Tables | 100% written

We're estimating that most of the writing will be done by October/November. We'll then be able to edit and lay out the book by end of the year/early next year. We'll then need to proofread and beta test the final book and do more edits as we go along.

Please message us if you have any queries or need help with anything.

Next Backerkit campaign!
 A quick update from Mystified – we're excited to announce that we're launching a new game called DEADLINE this September on BackerKit! We'd love for you to check it out, give us a follow, and share it with anyone who might be interested. You can learn more about it here!

❤️ Fleur & Chelsea

user avatar image for The Wanderer's Tome




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Would it be possible to get the Gazette added in a digital, adaptable format as well, so that DMs can use it as a hand-out?

user avatar image for The Wanderer's Tome




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The Wanderer's Tome
4 months ago

Project Update: Pre-order store open! Surveys being sent out!

Hi everyone! It's time for our first post-funding update! 

We've been working on writing out Mystifed and opening up our pre-order store so first things first:

BackerKit Surveys

Surveys are set and will be arriving in your emails next week! A small group have already received their surveys as we sent out a test batch.

When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you'd like. Responding to your survey quickly will help us have all the information we need to print the appropriate quantities soon :)

After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under “Lost your survey?” on our BackerKit project page at

Pre-Order Store is open

If you or someone you know missed out on the Backerkit campaign, worry not! The pre-order store is open and you can still snag a copy of Mystified, Flabbergasted, and any other goodies!

Shipping Collected Later

You may notice that you aren't charged for shipping in your survey nor are the shipping prices available currently.

Due to the volatility of shipping prices globally right now, shipping fees for this project will be calculated at a later date once we have the best estimates for everyone. We will charge backers for shipping a month or two before fulfilment when we have better estimates of what it will cost to ship backers' rewards. We will alert backers when shipping costs are finalised & before we charge your cards in your BackerKit survey. We will keep you informed along the way!

The Chief Inspector/The Wanderer

For those backers who pledged for a Chief Inspector or Wanderer reward, we will be sending you a survey soon. For now, think about what custom drawing you would like and collect some image references :) 

UKGE 2024

Unrelated to Mystified and surveys but wanted to let you all know that we'll be at UKGE in Birmingham next week! If any of you are visiting UKGE this year, please do come say hi at our stand 2-898!

Please message us if you have any queries or need help with anything.

❤️ Fleur & Chelsea





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