Tokyo Girl
15 days ago

Project Update: Campaign has ENDED!

Just a quick update, the campaign has now ENDED! 

Thank you so much everyone for your awesome support! I appreciate you so so so much!

The next thing to happen is funds will be collected from backers, and then once the funds are transferred to me in a couple of weeks, production of the plushies will start.

As this is my first time using Backerkit for crowdfunding, I am still learning how it all works and what not, I need to figure out when I need to send out surveys and set up preorders. I will keep you updated!

Also, I will be randomly picking a winner for the Early Bird backers contest in a couple of weeks after funds have been collected! If you cancelled your pledge before the campaign ended, or if your payment fails and ultimately doesn't go through, you will not be entered into the contest.

Thank you again everyone! ❤️🌸

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