Tokyo Girl
17 days ago

Project Update: Update on stretch goal samples and failed payments

Hey guys! Quick little reminder here:

Please check your payments! There's a pretty high percentage of failed payments that still need to be adjusted and fixed.

Some banks won't accept payments on crowdfunding purchases and need to be manually accepted. If this is your cause of failed payment, please contact your bank or change your payment method.

If you have a failed payment, please corrected it as soon as you can or you won't be able to get your plushies and freebies.

Also, my manufacture apparently forgot that this week was a labor day holiday (which China celebrates for an entire week and no one works during that time, must be nice LOL). So the samples are not going to be done until next week now.

As I stated before, I will send out surveys after the stretch goal samples are finished so you can see how they look before you decide which ones you want!

Sorry I haven't posted this sooner, it's been a really rough week for me. As a type 1 diabetic, pregnancy takes a toll on my blood sugar levels and it's been making me feel so sick and unwell and have zero energy. Luckily I finally had my appointment with my new endocrinologist a couple days ago and we made adjustments and increased my doses and all that good stuff. So I should be feeling better in the next week or so. =p

Thank you everyone for your patience! 

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