Motley doesn't feature heavily in this campaign, as Dreams of Yesterday is the star, but it IS something BIG (despite its little package): it's the first party game from Weird Giraffe Games!

Motley is silly in the best ways: it's all about presenting a visual clue using the cards at your disposal. This isn't always easy, but I believe in you, you can do it!

So here's another challenge to you: let's see what clues you can come up with using our digital version of Motley (ported to Screentop by Corey Andalora, who designed Explosion in the Laboratory!). I'd love it if you try the game out and take screenshots of your favorite clues while playing, or just check it out solo and see what you can come up with, then email your image(s) to beth[at]! An example is below, using physical cards. Can you figure out what dinosaur is being illustrated here?

Guess what dinosaur this is! Chelsea took this photo :D

The game plays like this: the first player draws 5 cards from the deck and chooses one of the categories. Then, they choose anything they want that fits that category and lay out the patterned sides of the cards—using at least three (up to all five)— to illustrate a clue. From there, players guess at what the thing is! Whoever guesses it gets the card that had the chosen category on it, and the next player draws one more card so they have five, and play continues.

📃 You can read the full rules here!
🎮 You can play the Screentop version here!

Note: this is NOT the final version of the game, and both the rules and the cards are subject to change

To take a screenshot...
...on Windows, click here.
🍎 ...on Mac, click here (untested, I don't have a Mac, sorry, but it IS from the Apple website!).

Oh, and sometime during the campaign, we'll be doing a Motley Play Along where we go through images that we've taken and that others have submitted, show them on stream, and try to figure out the clues! We'll also be sharing some of them on social media, like the one above!




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