26 days ago

Project Update: Here's a sneak peek of Alpha 06 📃 (Distal)

Sneak Peek of Alpha 06

Alpha 06 is just around the corner, and there are loads of updates and improvements. It's all pretty exciting. This alpha, like all that have gone before, will be free to download, and will be final alpha before stepping into closed beta testing.

Alpha 06 lands soon!

Example Page
Here's a full page from the newly revamped monsters section. The stat blocks look much better, and make it easier to take in information at a glance. You'll find a lot of formatting adjustments like this coming with the update.

Full-page monster example from alpha 06.

Livestream Tomorrow! (Wednesday, May 22, 1pm EDT or find your time)

This Wednesday, we'll be previewing the next alpha packet and answering your questions. Be sure to leave comments beneath this update so we can bring them up on stream!
-> Add a reminder to your Apple, Google, or Yahoo calendar.

Distal (Still) Needs Your Support

We're entering the last week of our campaign, and we've still got a ways to go to get it funded. Here's a super easy way you can help.

Share this project on Facebook using this link. It'll help us rally support, and you'll gain early access to a new class for Distal!

Once we reach goal, the Dervish class will make its way into Alpha 06!
Goal: 6 / 25
We need 19 more to reach this goal.
user avatar image for Wrel




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