Latest from the Creator
Jordan Miller
18 days ago
Individual Theme Packs Now Available!
Hi All, Individual Theme Packs are now available in the Pledge Manager.  You can now add plenty of themed cuddly goodness to your order! Stay Crafty, Team XYZ
Jordan Miller
21 days ago
All Surveys Sent!
Hi Everyone, Early this week we were made aware that the mini expansions were missing as add-ons in the pledge manager.  we're happy to report hose items have been added, and t...
Jordan Miller
27 days ago
Good News Everyone! Pledge Manager & Late Pledges Live!
Pledge Manager Live, Surveys Sending... It's finally here, the Pledge Manager is live! Everyone should be receiving their surveys in the next couple of days.  They go out in...
Jordan Miller
about 1 month ago
Happy Friday (5-2-2024)
Hi All, We just wanted to wish everyone a happy friday, and let you know that the Pledge Manager is still under review.  The BK staff is out of the office today, so we should s...
Jordan Miller
4 months ago
May 2024 - Pledge Manager Launching
Hi There It's here, this is the update you've been waiting for. We want to thank everyone again for sticking with us, it's been a tough couple of years but things are finally m...
Jordan Miller
about 1 month ago
WTF XYZ, Are you ghosting us? Update (Full Update coming Wednesday)
We are not Ghosting you. Hi all, Jordan from XYZ Game Labs here.  I'm the Chief Operating Officer and I'm posting this update to let you know that we do hear you and we know t...
Jordan Miller
18 days ago

Project Update: Individual Theme Packs Now Available!

Hi All,

Individual Theme Packs are now available in the Pledge Manager.  You can now add plenty of themed cuddly goodness to your order!

Stay Crafty,

Team XYZ
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Jordan Miller
21 days ago

Project Update: All Surveys Sent!

Hi Everyone,

Early this week we were made aware that the mini expansions were missing as add-ons in the pledge manager.  we're happy to report hose items have been added, and the bulk of the remaining surveys have been sent out.

If you have not yet gotten your survey, give it a couple days from now and you should receive it this week.

that's it for now.  We'll be going through comments and emails this week answering questions, please be patient as we move through them.

Thanks again for all your support and as always:

Stay Crafty,

Team XYZ
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Jordan Miller
27 days ago

Project Update: Good News Everyone! Pledge Manager & Late Pledges Live!

Pledge Manager Live, Surveys Sending...

It's finally here, the Pledge Manager is live!

Everyone should be receiving their surveys in the next couple of days.  They go out in waves, so if you don't quite have it yet, sit tight and you should receive yours.

Late Pledges

Late Pledges are now available!  So if you missed the campaign, now is the time!  

The Pledge Manager and Late Pledges will be open until July 31st 2024, so please get your orders in and lock in your shipping address as soon as possible.

What's Next?

That's it for this update, next time we will talk more production and proofing details.

Stay Crafty,

Team XYZ
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Jordan Miller
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Happy Friday (5-2-2024)

Hi All,

We just wanted to wish everyone a happy friday, and let you know that the Pledge Manager is still under review.  The BK staff is out of the office today, so we should see everything approved early next week.

Take care and have a nice weekend.

Stay Crafty,
Team XYZ




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Jordan Miller
about 1 month ago

Project Update: May 2024 - Pledge Manager Launching

Hi There

It's here, this is the update you've been waiting for. We want to thank everyone again for sticking with us, it's been a tough couple of years but things are finally moving. In this update we're going to hit you with a lot of things. Some life updates, we'll talk about the pledge manager, and finally, an update on the current production timeline.

Life Updates

As you may or many not know, two of our partners had major traumas during this campaign.  Adam, our CEO, and Rob, our Head of Development, both lost their homes to house fires nearly 2 years ago.  We're happy to let you all know that this last month both of them are finally now back in their rebuilt homes and out of temporary housing.  It's been a hard journey for both of them, which has had a profound effect on XYZ that we were not prepared for.

Good news here is: They're back and their lives are now returning to whatever normal is for them. We're so grateful.

Pledge Manager and Exciting News!

As of the publishing of this update, the pledge manager is ready to go, we are just going through the final review and smoke testing before our pledge manager is approved.  Please bear with us for a couple days while we complete the review.

ArchRavels now has sleeves!  

We've partnered with the wonderful folks at Game Trayz to offer some of their products directly in the AR: Magic Socks - Pledge Manager. We're starting with a full set of sleeves, this bundle will contain every sleeve you need to protect your ArchRavels Cards. That's Right! Just one set of sleeves will cover you even if you own everything ArchRavels.  We're also providing organization trays to store all your bits while you play. This initial offering is just the first step in what we are sure will be an exciting partnership going forward. You can expect many more awesome things from XYZ & Game Trayz in the future!

Production and New Timelines

In a previous production update we laid out that we would be producing and shipping things in two batches: Magic Socks & Theme Packs first, then Rivals + Awards Season. That plan is not changing.

So, we proceeded with that plan in mind! This meant doing the final passes on Magic Socks/Theme Packs for production submission while we were also finishing up the development & layout for RIVALS/Awards Season.

To be perfectly honest: We underestimated the time & effort that we would need to put into both of these tasks given our currently available staff. Due to the aforementioned life events and the fact that XYZ is, and always has been, 6 passionate people dedicating their time to Invent New Gamers; our personal lives have a huge impact on our organization. We are sorry things have been delayed, we are doing what we can to get things moving smoothly again.
Here's what's happening now:  We're still planning on delivering in two batches.  But, we've shifted focus to preparing the first batch & getting it into production.  As of now Magic Socks and all the Theme Packs have been prepared and sent to the printer. We've begun the production proofing process.  We're now targeting Gen Con 2024 as the wide release date of Magic Socks and the Theme Packs.

With the uncertainty of the supply chain and international shipping, as of this moment we cannot promise that the games will be in our hands before we leave for Gen Con, we however can promise this:

"We will not offer Magic Socks for Sale at Gen Con until pledges are shipped and on their way to backers.  If we do have Magic Socks in hand at Gen Con, any backers who attend Gen Con will be able to pick up their pledges from us in person."

One more time, we will not be offering Magic Socks for sale at Gen Con if backers pledges have not shipped. We'll have more information in the months leading up to Gen Con if it seems we'll be able to offer Gen Con pickup. And if so, then we'll establish a process for people to sign up at that time.

Here's some updated Production Status Graphics.

So What's Next?

Over the next few weeks we will begin the proofing and mass production phase with Whatz Games, our manufacturer. We'll share content along the way.

So that's it for now, we will be posting another update as soon as we have confirmation from Backerkit that the pledge manager is approved, at that time surveys will go out.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Stay Crafty

Team XYZ

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Jordan Miller
about 1 month ago

Project Update: WTF XYZ, Are you ghosting us? Update (Full Update coming Wednesday)

We are not Ghosting you.

Hi all, Jordan from XYZ Game Labs here.  I'm the Chief Operating Officer and I'm posting this update to let you know that we do hear you and we know there is a lot of uncertainty and concerns about the project.

The biggest concern is the Pledge Manager.  You probably know by now that we missed our March 1st deadline.  There is not a problem and you did not miss it, we did.

We know that a lot of you have been feeling ghosted.  We're sorry, that was not our intention  The fact is that up until now we've been short staffed and doing our best, and we've missed the mark.

We want to thank you for your patience and thank those of you who reached out.  The Pledge Manager will be launched this Wednesday, May 1st.  Along with that, we're preparing an update that will be published the moment the pledge manager is live and we'll share all the details you need to know along with what is happening next.

Please sit tight and we will have all the information you're looking for on Wednesday.

Thanks again for your support.

Jordan Miller
Chief Operating Officer
XYZ Game Labs
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XYZ Game Labs
4 months ago

Project Update: Feb 2024 - Project Update

Hi There!

We want to start by addressing the lack of communication.  In the previous update we committed to updating monthly and we didn't do that, that's not cool.  Rest assured, we have not forgotten about you and we will try to do a better job checking in, even if we have no new information. Just so you know we're still here.  

However! We DO have some new information to share with you.  We've got a production update, news about the pledge manager, some new content to share, and a set of FAQs that we have some answers for.  So with all that, let's get on with the update!


Where's the project at? ArchRavels: Magic Socks & All Theme Packs are ready for production!

We're still wrapping up Rivals & Award Season

Here's a quick overview of the current project status:

The Pledge Manager

We have previously held off opening up the pledge manager because we didn't fully understand how the delays were impacting the timeline.  But, the time has come, we will be opening the pledge manager on March 1st, 2024.  

You will be able to update your shipping address and add items to your pledge as much as your crafty heart desires.

Enchanted Theme Pack Rules

Theme Packs are introducing a brand new way to play, remix, and customize your ArchRavels experience.

With our Theme Pack Production prep complete we can finally show off how Theme Packs will integrate into ArchRavels.

The images below are the pre-production proofs of the Enchanted Theme Pack Rulesheet. This will be folded brochure style. Each Theme Pack will include a customized version of these same rules for that theme.

This may look a bit disorienting at first. The right-most panel is the "Front" of the folded rule sheet and the Reference Chart is the "Back".

ArchRavels: Enchanted Theme Pack Proof - OUTSIDE

These panels explain how to set up a Multi-Theme Game, as well as Projects+, and can be read left to right.

ArchRavels: Enchanted Theme Pack Proof - INSIDE


We got a few questions with the last update, so here are some answers:

Q: Have you considered a companion book with knit or crochet (or BOTH) patterns for some of the iconic patterns in the game?
A: Yes we have considered this... ;-) Perhaps some eagle-eyed backers might find a related easter egg in one of our updates...

Q: Will it be possible to update my shipping address?
A: Yes, when the pledge manager opens in March you will have full access to update your shipping address.

Q: How will Shipping Waves work?
A: We're still firming up some decisions and options here. But rest assured, like you, we want to minimize shipping costs for everyone involved.

Q: Will Wave 1 include the ArchRavels Base Game Shipments?
A: Yes!

Thanks for the patience and support. Happy Crafting!

- Team XYZ




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Jordan Miller
6 months ago

Project Update: AR: Magic Socks - Production Update - December 2023

Hi There!

Lauren, Director of Communications, here! I know we've been quiet and we're so sorry it's taken so long. I was on sabbatical for 15 months dealing with a lot of personal and professional stuff. During that time, I got married which included all of the random events that went along with a wedding. Anyway, it feels so good to be back with a new last name that's easier to spell and pronounce! 

As for the Team XYZ - here's out update!

The team has been hard at work for the last few months and now with the release of BIGFOOT: Roll & Smash the rubber has really hit the road for everything ArchRavels: Magic Socks!

Principal Art Is Complete!

Happy to announce that we are 100% complete on art for the ArchRavels: Magic Socks, Theme Packs, and Mini-Expansions. Layout is complete for everything except for the Mini-Expansions (more on that later). This game has a lot of individual pieces of art and it has been quite a project getting it all organized and finished. Rochelle's work has been amazing as always and we'll have some new stuff to share in the next update.

Production Update

Now that the art, layout, and proofing are done for ArchRavels: Magic Socks and all of the Theme Packs, within the next two weeks the production process will begin!

In keeping with our last update, here are updated production graphics:

Timeline Update

Thank you, everyone, for being so patient as we finish up everything needed to bring this game into the real world.  We always want to ensure that every part of our games get the time and attention they deserve.

There's a round of polish that needs to happen to both Rivals & Award Season before we lock it down.

However, we do not want to delay the rest of the rewards while we iron out any issues with the Mini-Expansions.  With that in mind we intend to split delivery of this project into Two Waves:

  • Wave One: (Q2 2024) will contain ArchRavels: Magic Socks & all Theme Packs.

  • Wave Two: (Approx 1-2 Months after Wave One) will contain ArchRavels: Rivals, ArchRavels: Award Season, & Deluxe Components (and perhaps a few surprises...) 

PAX Unplugged

In other news - We just got back from PAX Unplugged in Philly! Thanks to all our friends and fans that stopped by! Here are a few of the highlights: 

1) We found a fan who wore a Borderlands shirt AND a gnome hat that looked eerily similar to the Magic Socks' Gnome hats. It was as if he belonged at our booth! 

2) Azkadorkable showcasing her amazing ArchRavels skirt! She nailed the colors perfectly. The unicorn especially was SPOT ON. 

3) Playing ArchRavels at Backerkit's booth. Thank you, Backerkit for your continued support! I hope that everyone who stopped by to get your passport stamped succeeded in your quest and collected your Backerkit pin!

4) Booth stuffies inspired by the artwork in out theme pack expansions. *squeals in excitement*

5) Fans obsessing over our giant tire dice in BIGFOOT: Roll & Smash!

Please reach out if you have any questions! The warm welcome I received at PAX Unplugged has really shown to me how much I missed my people and it feels soooo good to be back. Promise to update sooner rather than later. :D

Forever grateful,

Lauren & Team XYZ

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Jordan Miller
10 months ago

Project Update: July 2023 Update: Production Progress + Gen Con!

News Time

Hi everyone, it's been too long since our last update, but we're still moving along!

Timeline Update

Thank you everyone for sticking with us during this challenging time. As we've mentioned before we are operating at a more limited capacity than we have in the past. Which means sharing resources between projects. The great news is that the other major project we're producing is finalized and ready to ship!  That project, BIGFOOT: Roll & Smash, is on a boat coming across the ocean as we speak.  If you're interested in it at all, come by our booth at Gen Con to check it out or hit the link above. 

With BIGFOOT on to fulfillment, our full production attention is now on ArchRavels: Magic Socks. While we've made meaningful progress on the entire suite of AR: Magic Socks products, however, we are going to push the scheduled delivery date to Q2 2024.

In the past, we've always tried to be realistic about the timeframes for our project's production and delivery dates. Our intention was to deliver this in time for PAX Unplugged this Fall. Having just gone through an extended and multiple-times delayed production cycle with BIGFOOT we'd rather underpromise and over-deliver than set an aggressive timeline and potentially have to move it. 

If you have any questions, concerns, etc... please feel free to reach out.

Gen Con Backer Gift

The good news is we'll be at Gen Con and can't wait to see everyone in person again! If you're a backer please stop by Booth #2607 and show us you've pledged and receive a free WIP Magic Sock Pin!

We'll be there showing off ArchRavels + Expansions! There are also some events in the system you can sign up for and play the game!

Production Status

That's all we have this time, thank you again for your support and we can't wait to see those of you who will be in Indy in a week and as always:

Stay Crafty,
Team XYZ




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Jordan Miller
about 1 year ago

Project Update: We're Still Here! And we owe you an update...

Hi Friends.

We're so sorry it's taking so long for us to give you a proper update on this project. Thank you for being so patient with us. And to those that sent us emails, messages, comments, etc... Thank you!

The reality is that we've been operating with reduced staff and bandwidth for all of 2023. XYZ Game Labs' first and top priority is fulfilling our obligations to you, our backers (as well as our backers and pre-order customers on other projects). 

Due to that, we've been focusing all our efforts on the tasks most critical to delivering these projects. Rest assured, we are actively working on all things pre-production, editing, proofing, and producing Magic Socks, and it's accompanying mini-expansions, theme packs, and add-ons.

Regarding Project Timing: We are on track to deliver the rewards for this project this Fall. 

To recap for clarity that list includes: 
  • ArchRavels: Magic Socks (and the Enchanted Theme Pack)
  • All 3 Standalone Theme Packs (Cryptids, Cuddles, & Dinos)
  • Both Mini-Expansions (Award Season & RIVALS!) 
  • Add-On game components (Bowl 2-Packs, Yarn Bazaar Playmat, & 3D Yarn Balls)

ArchRavels: Magic Socks - The Rulebook
One of the most important aspects of any game or expansion is the rulebook, and we're happy to say that we have the ArchRavels: Magic Socks (AR:MS) rulebook ready to rock! The product development process isn't always linear or tied to just one aspect, so since we're working on other areas now, it would be a great opportunity to provide the rulebook for your review.

You can take a look at the components, some game play examples and of course, get a sense of how Magic Socks will play when it hits your table later this year.  

You can view the rulebook by clicking the link here, or the image below!

And please don't hold back on your suggestions! 

Art Progress:
Developing a board game (or expansion) is a little like having a wombat on your back while trying to play rugby in a peanut factory: There's a lot going on at once. While we work on proofreading, tweaking, testing, and designing, our artists are hard at work on our remaining art needs. 

Here are some of our most recently completed pieces of art for the RIVALS min-expansion:

As well as some recent SPECIAL REQUEST art for Award Season & RIVALS that's been completed:

There are also 20 or so other smaller Art Pieces (Icons, Tags, Borders, Etc) that have been completed during this time and now need to be assembled into individual Project, Awards, Events, Tangled, and Snagged Cards.

[ And Yes, for those paying attention there are at least 3 new card types in that list that you haven't seen yet :-) ]

Overall Progress:
Our projects are nothing without you, our community: With that in mind, we've put together a super simplified project tracker that you can use to get an idea of the different aspects we are working on and where we are at with each piece:

ARMS Progress
Mini Expansion Progress

Theme Pack Progress

Future Updates:
We will be continuing to focus on the last steps needed to get this game to print.  Things should start getting completed faster, so there will be more things to share with you all.  Our initial goal will be to share these things with you starting on a monthly basis, so you can expect another update from us in about 4 weeks.

Next Up, Pledge Manager:
One of the next big milestones will be the launching of the pledge manager. This is one of those items that our limited bandwidth has certainly impacted. There are a few details to work out, mostly with add-ons, before we can launch.  Stay tuned and we should have details on how to access the pledge manager and what you need to do next. 

Thank you, everyone, for your patience as we navigate one of the most work-heavy portions of a crowdfunding campaign.  This project, and this community, mean a lot to us. We're focused on making sure it's delivered in the best possible form it can be.

Take care and Stay Crafty,

Team XYZ
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XYZ Game Labs
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Hey! It's been a while! PRODUCTION UPDATE

Hi friends!

We know it's been a bit since we posted an update, but not to worry! We haven't disappeared and we're still actively working on bringing ArchRavels: Magic Socks, Expansion Packs, Theme Packs, and more to life!

December was a very quiet month for us here at XYZ as we all took some time to rest and relax after a VERY busy year.

We started off January finishing up all the Special Requests you folks unlocked during the campaign. And now present them here for your enjoyment!

First Up - Our 4 New Crafter's Favorite Special Requests:

Aquatic Pack

Spooky Pack

Rulebooks & Packaging
We're also in the process of finalizing the rulebooks and packaging for all the products in the campaign. As those items are completed we'll also post them here!

We've had a LOT of requests and questions regarding when the Pledge Manager for ArchRavels: Magic Socks will open up. We're planning to get that up and running in the next few weeks and will launch it with an announcement here. So if you know someone who missed the campaign - Just stay tuned.

We'll be back with another update as more assets are completed AND will have news in a future update regarding the outcome of CUDDLEDOME :-)

Stay Crafty!
Team XYZ





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XYZ Game Labs
over 1 year ago

Project Update: THANK YOU!

From all of us here at XYZ Game Labs: Thank You!

ArchRavels is very special to us and the support that Magic Socks got, really showed us how much y'all love AR too!

We're super excited to bring these new expansions, theme packs, and deluxe components to your collection and your table.


As of Noon CST today: Loch Ness Stuffy is winning by a 2:1 margin over Cuddlope with 265 votes cast. We're going to keep this open until next Monday - so if you haven't cast your vote yet: NOW IS THE TIME!

We've seen a few questions pop up regarding WHEN you'll be able to purchase the stuffy that wins and while we don't have an exact date yet we are planning to have this added to the Pledge Manager before we get to our fulfillment stage.

Speaking of the Pledge Manager!

We're in the process of getting this set up and expect to launch the Pledge Manager and open up access for Late Pledges later this month. We'll be posting here and on our social media accounts when that happens, so keep an eye out if you missed your chance.

Unlocked Special Request Packs

We succeed in hitting 1,000 backers to unlock the SPOOKY PACK and 1,200 backers to unlock the AQUATIC PACK. We'll have the final art for both coming in the next week or two. (ArchRavels Artist, Rochelle Steder is literally working on these RIGHT NOW!)

Both of these Special Request Packs will be included in every copy of ArchRavels: Magic Socks - so as long as that is part of your pledge: You'll be getting them!
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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XYZ Game Labs
over 1 year ago

Project Update: FINAL DAY just 12 HOURS LEFT! 500% FUNDED!

The last day is here! We've got just about 12 Hours Left - The Campaign Ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm!

Not only did we unlock the AQUATIC PACK over the weekend but we're 80% to unlocking the GNOME PACK!

Last week we showed you 3 of the 4 items in the SPOOKY PACK. Here is #4: The Spider!

Today we can give you a preview of the sketches for the AQUATIC PACK! We'll keep sharing new art as it comes in - even after the campaign is over :-)


Today is not only the last day of the campaign - but the start of voting for the FINAL ROUND of CUDDLEDOME!

Results from the FINAL FOUR:
Loch Ness Stuffy beat Stegofluffus (218 to 77)
Cuddlope hopped past Otter (121 to 94)

FINAL ROUND MATCHUP: Loch Ness Stuffy vs Cuddlope (VOTE HERE or click the image below)

Thank you to all our backers, fans, and friends who have shared our campaign. We're super excited that this new suite of ArchRavels products are going to be a reality and can't wait to get these in your hands!

What Happens Next?

After the campaign closes it'll be a week or two before we get a late pledge option opened up - but we will be offering late pledges. 

Just a reminder that we are expecting to deliver this campaign in Q2 of 2023 and won't be charging shipping until about 30 days before fulfillment begins.

Happy Crafting!

-Team XYZ




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XYZ Game Labs
over 1 year ago



Round 3.1: Loch Ness Stuffy vs Stegofluffus (VOTE HERE or click the image below)
Round 3.2: Otter vs Cuddlope  (VOTE HERE or click the image below) 

Here's how they got there:

Stegofluffus with a BIG UPSET over Mothman (148 to 88 votes)
after beating Softsquatch (144 to 54) in Round 1.

Loch Ness Stuffy beats out Red Panda (98 to 59 votes)
after beating Tiny T-Rex (177 to 51) in Round 1

Cuddlope hops right past Ankylosaurus (106 to 53 votes)
after beating Buffalo (142 to 38) in Round 1.

Otter slides by Tricomfosocks (92 to 63 votes)
after beating Snuggledactyl (128 to 94) in Round 1.

Here's the Current CUDDLEDOME Brackets:

After this, we've only got 1 Cuddledome Matchup Left! The FINALS!

Stay Crafty!

- Team XYZ




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XYZ Game Labs
over 1 year ago


It's the Final Countdown!!! (bah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah!!!)

This has been a tremendous three weeks, but it's time to finish this project and bind off! 


It's time to end the first round and see who advanced to the Cuddly Elite 8!

ROUND 2 Matchups:
Mothman vs Stegofluffus
Ankylosaurus vs Cuddlope
Loch Ness Stuff vs Red Panda
Tricomfosocks vs Otter

Voting will be open for these matchups until 11:59 pm Thursday.

Friday we'll announce the FINAL FOUR!

New Achievement Unlocked: The Spooky Pack!

Thank you all for helping us reach 1,000 backers, we've now unlocked the Spooky Pack!

Four new Spooky-Themed Special Requests will now be in every copy of ArchRavels: Magic Socks! (Art for 3 of the 4 is below) 

Next Achievement: The Aquatic Pack (1,200 Backers)

Now that the Spooky Pack is unlocked we are ready for the next achievement: The Aquatic Pack.  These lovable water-based animals are ready to make their cuddly debut.  The Aquatic Pack will include; Duck, Platypus, Koi Fish, and Turtle.  

Final Achievement: The Gnome Pack (1,500 Backers)

Our last Achievement will be a Special Request pack related directly to the Magic Socks expansion.  It will contain, a Gnome Hat, The Fairy Garden, and two more yet-to-be-revealed Gnome-Related Items.  Let's keep the momentum going so we can unlock this magical pack!

We want to thank all our amazing backers for getting us to this point.  This has been an amazing campaign and we can't wait to get this into your hands.

Stay Crafty
-Team XYZ




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