Jordan Miller
5 months ago

Project Update: AR: Magic Socks - Production Update - December 2023

Hi There!

Lauren, Director of Communications, here! I know we've been quiet and we're so sorry it's taken so long. I was on sabbatical for 15 months dealing with a lot of personal and professional stuff. During that time, I got married which included all of the random events that went along with a wedding. Anyway, it feels so good to be back with a new last name that's easier to spell and pronounce! 

As for the Team XYZ - here's out update!

The team has been hard at work for the last few months and now with the release of BIGFOOT: Roll & Smash the rubber has really hit the road for everything ArchRavels: Magic Socks!

Principal Art Is Complete!

Happy to announce that we are 100% complete on art for the ArchRavels: Magic Socks, Theme Packs, and Mini-Expansions. Layout is complete for everything except for the Mini-Expansions (more on that later). This game has a lot of individual pieces of art and it has been quite a project getting it all organized and finished. Rochelle's work has been amazing as always and we'll have some new stuff to share in the next update.

Production Update

Now that the art, layout, and proofing are done for ArchRavels: Magic Socks and all of the Theme Packs, within the next two weeks the production process will begin!

In keeping with our last update, here are updated production graphics:

Timeline Update

Thank you, everyone, for being so patient as we finish up everything needed to bring this game into the real world.  We always want to ensure that every part of our games get the time and attention they deserve.

There's a round of polish that needs to happen to both Rivals & Award Season before we lock it down.

However, we do not want to delay the rest of the rewards while we iron out any issues with the Mini-Expansions.  With that in mind we intend to split delivery of this project into Two Waves:

  • Wave One: (Q2 2024) will contain ArchRavels: Magic Socks & all Theme Packs.

  • Wave Two: (Approx 1-2 Months after Wave One) will contain ArchRavels: Rivals, ArchRavels: Award Season, & Deluxe Components (and perhaps a few surprises...) 

PAX Unplugged

In other news - We just got back from PAX Unplugged in Philly! Thanks to all our friends and fans that stopped by! Here are a few of the highlights: 

1) We found a fan who wore a Borderlands shirt AND a gnome hat that looked eerily similar to the Magic Socks' Gnome hats. It was as if he belonged at our booth! 

2) Azkadorkable showcasing her amazing ArchRavels skirt! She nailed the colors perfectly. The unicorn especially was SPOT ON. 

3) Playing ArchRavels at Backerkit's booth. Thank you, Backerkit for your continued support! I hope that everyone who stopped by to get your passport stamped succeeded in your quest and collected your Backerkit pin!

4) Booth stuffies inspired by the artwork in out theme pack expansions. *squeals in excitement*

5) Fans obsessing over our giant tire dice in BIGFOOT: Roll & Smash!

Please reach out if you have any questions! The warm welcome I received at PAX Unplugged has really shown to me how much I missed my people and it feels soooo good to be back. Promise to update sooner rather than later. :D

Forever grateful,

Lauren & Team XYZ

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