11 months ago

Project Update: Surveys Soon and More! - Update 06/02/2023

It's been about a week since the crowdfunding ended, so it's time for an update!

The post-campaign survey is nearly complete--it's being reviewed by the Backerkit Team to make sure everything is working as intended, and I hope to have it sent out next Tuesday. The link to the survey will be emailed to you once it's ready.

In the post-campaign survey, you'll be be able to select with Griffinch plush, keychain, and stickers you want. Add-ons (additional items) can also be added to your order through this survey. At the end of the survey, your address and shipping costs will also be collected. You will have two weeks to complete your survey before your address is locked in. Your card will not be charged until the beginning of July.

On a fun note, you'll notice an extra keychain design available in the survey:
Baby Griffinch joins the keychain group!

For anyone curious, the first draft of the new plush samples has been completed. They need some edits, but here are pictures from the manufacturer:
The Gouldian and Goldfinch are best friends

And, one final piece of news: I am creating an email list for notifying people when plushes and other Griffinch items will be available in my online store later this year. If you would like to be notified, please enter your email here!

That's all for now--if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment!




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