9 months ago

Project Update: Project Update: Plushes and Keychains! - 08/10/2023

Hello everyone! I am happy to share that the corrected Zebra Griffinch plushes are completed and are on their way to me! They should arrive by mid-September.

As mentioned in the previous update, the manufacturer accidentally used an early sample as the base for the first batch of Zebra Griffinch plushes. They stated they would recycle the materials for future plushes, but before doing that asked if I wanted them for a discounted price. So... I will have many Zebra Griffinch variants available! Their side patch is a different color and its placement is off, so they'll be available at a discounted price. 
Even MORE friends!

The keychains also arrived during plush production! I am quality checking and packaging them all now. Once that is done, I can start fulfilling the keychain/sticker only orders. 
Happy round Griffinch keychains!

Finally, If you have not filled out your survey yet, please fill it out as soon as possible--your order cannot be fulfilled until your survey has been completed. If you cannot find the survey link in your email, you can look up your survey here: https://www.backerkit.com/are_you_a_backer. If your survey does not appear there, please contact Backerkit support.

Thank you for your support--I'm excited to start fulfilling your orders soon!
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