Cephalofair Games
3 months ago

Project Update: Wave 1 & 2 manufacturing complete

Good day! I am happy to report that things are continuing to move along as anticipated from the last update. All of waves 1 and 2 (Buttons & Bugs, Frosthaven, Frosthaven Play Surface Books, and Forgotten Circles) are finished with production and are either on the water or will be very shortly.

Here are rough timelines for freight shipping in all the regions.
The one exception here is our Asia fulfillment. While all other shipments will not be affected by the Lunar New Year, VFI won't be able to properly stage their fulfillment until after that is over, so they'll be picking up and beginning fulfillment at the end of February.
AU/NZ: All product is scheduled to arrive in Sydney by the end of February.
Canada: All product is scheduled to arrive at Vancouver in early-mid March.
UK/EU/ROW: All product is scheduled to arrive before the end of March (we are experiencing some delays here due to freight rerouting away from the Suez Canal).
US: Scheduled to arrive at Long Beach port in early-mid March.

So now let's talk about some other important scheduling. Originally, we had planned to close the wave 3 pledge manager in January 2024. However, with the production delay we have decided to leave the wave 3 pledge manager open until at least the end of March to give backers more time to complete their pledge. We'll keep you updated on this as we get closer to March to give an exact date.

We'll also be sending a final warning email from Backerkit directly before the wave 3 pledge manager closes to make sure it isn't a surprise. We have also had some requests for payment to be processed before wave 3 closes, which is totally doable. If you'd like to have your order processed early, please contact [email protected], and we can assist you.

And the last bit of pressing news is that we had multiple requests for the Forteller Frosthaven narration to be sent out ahead of the rest of fulfillment, so that is what we're doing. The codes are going out now! You may already have received yours, but they are sending them in batches, so it may take a day for yours to arrive. If you don't get your code by the end of the week, please let our team know at [email protected]. If you do receive your code, but are having issues activating it on Forteller's site or app please contact them at [email protected].

Development and art direction of the other projects - the new edition of Gloomhaven, the RPG, and the miniatures - continues to move along at a good pace, but there's not really anything new to share on those fronts.

That's all the project news I have for this week, but I also wanted to let you know some of the team will be out at Megacon in Orlando next week, February 1-4, Booth 601. If you're attending, please stop by! We'll have Buttons & Bugs demos and may have a finalized copy of the Frosthaven Play Surface Books on display as well!

Catch you all next time!
user avatar image for Varrath




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