Cephalofair Games
2 months ago

Project Update: Frosthaven land freight begins

Good day! Apologizes for the delay and not getting this update out on Friday.

We'll start right off with the most pressing info about shipments for waves 1 and 2.

US Wave 1: Shipping is starting today! We don't have the Frosthaven Play Surface Books and Forgotten Circles in the warehouse yet, so we'll be starting with orders that do not contain those. The container carrying those items did arrive in port last Friday and is currently waiting to be unloaded. We anticipate the container will arrive at the fulfillment center in the next 7-10 days, and as soon as it arrives, the rest of the orders will be shipping as well.

US Wave 2: Buttons & Bugs is on the same container waiting at the port. These will be shipped from another location, and we expect them to start going out within the next two weeks.

EU/RoW waves 1 & 2: Ocean freight is still on track. Wave 1/2 products are scheduled to arrive in port next week, followed by the container of add-ons two weeks later.

CA waves 1 & 2: Also on track. The container of wave 1/2 products is expected to arrive in the Vancouver port in about two weeks.

UK waves 1 & 2: Due to shipping slowdowns resulting from the Suez canal rerouting, our shipment bound for the UK regrettably did not make it out of China before the Lunar New Year. It is on its way now, but because of this, we are looking at another 1-2 month delay in the delivery timeline. I am unhappy about this, and we are looking into some potential solutions to ship extra product from other regions to get there sooner. We'll have more information in the next update.

Asia waves 1 & 2: Now that the Lunar New Year celebration is over, VFI is arranging pickup and will be sending product out to local hubs for fulfillment.

AU/NZ waves 1 & 2: Ocean freight of all wave 1/2 products are scheduled to arrive in port by the end of the week! From there it will take a week on average to be unloaded and delivered to Aetherworks, and then fulfillment can be scheduled. Not long now!


In addition, here are some updates on the other projects.

Gloomhaven new edition: Art and graphic design continues to come in on this project. Here's a little peek at some new map tile art from David Demaret:

We've also received the first pages back on the scenario and section books, which are laid out similarly to Frosthaven, which requires a lot of work. Everything is looking good there, though, so we'll be continuing to move forward.

RPG: First drafts on all the writing has been redlined by Danielle, and now writers are working on their second drafts. Everything is coming along well here!

Miniatures: I know we haven't discussed the miniatures project for a long time, but our plan is to have a big update focused on miniatures next month, so stay tuned for that!

Also, we will be out at Emerald City Comic Con this weekend (booth 11119), so come out, say hello, and check out Buttons & Bugs if you are in the Seattle area.

I hope everyone had a great weekend, and I am sorry once again for the delay in getting the update out. Enjoy your week, and I'll catch you next time!

user avatar image for Varrath




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