Crimson Terrain
about 2 years ago

Project Update: less than 48 hours left + Terrain Takedown Update

Thank you all so much for supporting this project. We have reached the final 48 hours of the campaign. If you could take a minute of your time to share the campaign wherever you spend time either on social media, forums, or in person it would be a major help in reaching some of our extra goals and adding even more content to the final result.

I'll have a more substantial update as the campaign comes to an end to let you know what you can expect from the post-campaign phase of this project. Until then let's get into the final phase of the final round of the Terrain Takedown! As you may have already expected the Yumm pack was just a little too wacky for its own good. It put in a valiant attempt at rallying but it was just too little too late for our all-too-sweet contender.

That means that it's the Prehistoric Terrain Pack vs the Modern Terrain! Who will win? Past or Present? It's up to you to decide which pack shall reign supreme! Cast your vote in the discussion below.

Thank you again for backing this campaign. It is a real joy for me to have the opportunity to pursue these ideas and know that something I am creating will help others have an even more enjoyable experience playing their favorite roleplaying games.




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