Ben Costa
about 2 years ago

Project Update: Third stretch goal is UNLOCKED! And more stretch goals revealed!

Wayfarers of Eem, Backers, Loyal Chums!

We made it to the third milestone at 100k! First, a heartfelt thank you from us. Bringing the Land of Eem to life has been a long journey and we are so very grateful to all of you for believing in us and our vision for the game. We are humbled by the outpouring of support.

Now onto the exciting stuff: Rewards!

We have unlocked the Mucklands Explorer’s Guide PDF. What is the Mucklands Explorer’s guide PDF, you ask?

It’s basically a pared down, streamlined version of the sandbox for players. Think of it as a gazetteer to help facilitate player-driven sandbox exploration, with select rumors and lore to spark imagination.

The next milestone is at 125k. This is where we get to start expanding the sandbox, first with the Used T’Be Forest, adding 5 more locations! And BEHOLD! We've parted the mist to reveal the next few stretch goals!

Onwards! To the next update!

--The Land of Eem Team





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