Ben Costa
about 2 years ago

Project Update: 170k Duneoneer Meeple UNLOCKED! Next up, PDF Adventure written by Nebula award-winning author Rae Nedjadi at 180k!!

Curious Mushrums! Backers! Stalwart Bogrils!

Bet you didn’t think you would be getting another update from us so soon! Well… We broke open the goal at 170k! The Dungeoneer Meeple has joined the party! Bask in their very very very small glory!

This glorious mushrum will now be included with all physical box set rewards. We did it, Backers! Thank you!

Now, the next milestone on our stretch goal adventure is a really amazing, absolutely wonderful Hijinks Adventure PDF written by Nebula award-winning writer and designer Rae Nedjadi that will unlock at 180k! Rae is the designer behind Cozy Town, and a contributing writer to the smash hit Thirsty Sword Lesbians! 

Expect lots of gnomes and a general cozy vibe!

See you in the next update, adventurers!

Thank you!
--The Land of Eem Team

Goal: $170,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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