Ben Costa
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Post Campaign Celebration!


We did it! We just finished the Land of Eem Backerkit Crowdfunding Campaign and Ben and James have something they want to say:

First, we can't thank you all enough for pledging your support. It means the world to us to share Land of Eem with all of you, and the response has floored us. We managed to hit the $240K stretch goal (an adventure by Luke Gearing) right at the end, which is amazing!

We also want to thank the Exalted Funeral team for publishing the game and really expanding our reach. We definitely couldn't have done this without their support and expertise. 

We created the first stories that would become Land of Eem almost exactly 20 years ago. That started with the story of Rickety Stitch, which wouldn't get published as a graphic novel series until 2017. It's been a long journey of ups and downs for all things Land of Eem, but working on the RPG has been a constant labor of love ever since we started developing early designs in 2014. And we never imagined that we'd have the opportunity to share the game with so many people.

So again, thank you so much for your generous support! We're super excited to get the finished product into your hands. 

Now for a quick campaign update:

In the next few weeks the Backerkit Pledge Manager will open up and be sent to you via email for post campaign surveys. This is where you can tack on any of the add-ons that you have been hoping for, upgrade your pledge to a higher tier, and pay for shipping. This will remain open for 30 Days. After that, your order will be locked in, and soon after that production on the physical items will begin, if they haven’t already.

Okay, are you ready for some amazing news? 

After a lot of discussion we have decided to invest more in what we are giving you, the backers of this campaign. Even though we didn’t quite make it through all the goals, we are going to break open the locks on the last Adventure PDF by JP Coovert and the remaining Rascal meeple. That’s right, we can’t bear to think that you won’t get all this amazing content, so we are going to just give them to anyone who has supported the appropriate pledge level. This includes people who upgrade their pledge in the post campaign orders. We’ll also be making the meeple set a purchasable add-on.

The dice and screen are another story, however. We really want these to be available to everyone. Even though we didn’t make it all the way to the goals, we are going to extend those stretch goals through the Backerkit post campaign sales through the pledge manager.

More information on how that will all work to follow.

See you then!





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