Ben Costa
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Post Campaign Status Report #1


We know you are all wondering what has been happening behind the scenes since the campaign closed. The simple answer is, a lot of stuff! Here are some brief highlights.

The folks at Exalted Funeral have been working on setting up the Backerkit Pledge Manager and Pre-Order store for everyone and the good news is that it should be ready soon. They will post an update in the next week with the date you can expect to start receiving the post campaign surveys that will collect your address and give you the opportunity to purchase add-ons!

Editing is well underway on the Core Rulebook, Bestiary and Sandbox. And all the artists and writers creating the lovely stretch goals are hard at work building amazing, compelling, funny content for your table.

James, Ben, and friends have been posting actual plays of Land of Eem every week on their YouTube channel. Check ‘em out! And be sure to join the community by heading over to the Land of Eem Discord!

Thanks again for being a part of Land of Eem. We are energized by the outpouring of excitement about this project and we are counting the days until we can get this world to your gaming table. We could not have done it without you. You are the best.

See you in the next update!

--The Land of Eem Team





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