Ben Costa
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: All Surveys Have Been Sent!

The Pledge Manager, as well as the Pre-Order Store for folks who missed the campaign, are now live! Thanks so much for your patience in the last month.

We also want to clarify something. In the post campaign update we mentioned the possibility of extending the GM Screen and Gelatinous Goo Dice stretch goals into the Pledge Manager. After carefully considering the logistics, we decided that it just wouldn’t be feasible. But we still want to make the screen and dice available to you, so we are offering them as add-ons AND we’ve discounted them for backers!  

Check out the amazing GM Screen art by John Loren!

We also have Dungeoneer Adventures and all 3 volumes of Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo available as add-ons, in addition to many other goodies. Be sure to check everything out on offer.  

If desired, you can easily switch your pledge level by clicking on "Switch your Pledge Level" at the start of your survey under the "Get Started! green button. Here is a screenshot:

Thanks so much for your support throughout the campaign. For any questions or concerns, please send us a note at [email protected].

--The Land of Eem Team




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