Essential Randomnesss
25 days ago

Project Update: WE DID IT! All stretch goals unlocked!!

With 4 hours to go, we've officially met all our stretch goals! There's no words to express how grateful we are (though you'll hear us say it over and over).

Stretch Goal #5 With two technical articles already under our belt, it’s time to try something... different.  We all know that when working with others, soft skills are as important as hard ones–and yet we so rarely teach them.  This last article and stretch goal will cover a fundamental skill our community could benefit from learning: how to firmly (but kindly) confront each other when issues arise. Unlocked! Crucial Confrontations

We hadn't prepared any further goal, but… here's our final challenge to you all:
Stretch Goal ∞ – Over 9000! We’ve hit all our stretch goals, so here’s a final impromptu treat for you all: if we hit $9,000–that is, 300% funded–we’ll commission ONE FINAL COMMEMORATIVE STICKER featuring Boba-tan and the “over 9,000” meme and gift it for free to all our backers with physical rewards.  Why? Because doing funny, absurd, “meme-y” things is what our internet is all about. It’s over $9,000!
While we had stretch goals and rewards, this campaign is primarily to cover ongoing company expenses. Anything we raise above our target will go to our mission: building a kinder, more diverse, more collaborative—and unapologetically weirder—internet.

There's still plenty of time to get there, so once again: help us by sharing our campaign with your fandom friends, favorite Discord servers, coding communities, and anywhere people who want to build a better internet congregate.

With an incredible amount of gratitude,
The FujoCoded LLC team

Goal: $8,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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