Essential Randomnesss
about 1 month ago

Project Update: POCKETS (and hearts) FULL, HEADS EMPTY

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thanks to 170 of you, we were able to raise $9,258. That is over 300% of our goal (309% to be precise), and an amount of seed (money) beyond anything we could have possibly imagined.

With almost a full hour (!!!) of overtime, our team is now utterly spent 💦💦💦. We're so thankful for everything you did, and can't muster words to express how much this means to us... yet.

Tomorrow, we'll have one more campaign post showcasing all the wonderfully generous people who contributed their time and skills to this campaign, and properly giving you all the shoutout you deserve. 

Until then, let's all pat ourselves on the backs (you included). This was an incredible result, and an amazing start to what we know will be just as an amazing journey.

Thank you so much and see you tomorrow,
The FujoCoded LLC Team




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