Hrothgar's Hoard
2 months ago

Project Update: GAMA Day 3....Chester Chows Down

Another long day at GAMA. I always seem to wake up early whIen I'm on the road, so generally I'm up between 5 and 6. Today I slept in late. About 6:30.  If you knew me from my younger days, you'd know how messed up this is.
Today I had workshops from Gatekeepers, Wizkids, Lucky Duck, and Sirius Dice. Of the four, I liked Sirius Dice the most, but they were all interesting. There were interesting things with all of them, but, as I've said before, this was a scouting mission. I'm here mostly to figure out things for next year.

Had lunch again (Chester let me eat today) and then went to the dealer hall where I talked with several dealers about various items. I got a lot of good ideas and even an idea or two for a future product or two. Of course, every time I set Chester down, he seemed to get into trouble.

I got one of the "Acerak's Treasure" mystery pouches from Sirius Dice. Naturally, Chester wanted to "protect" them.  He insists that I get him a diet pepsi to help wash them down.

I think his eyes were bigger than his stomach here. He definitely is attracted to dice. I'm sure that if you adopt one, they will be just as eager to protect your most precious shiny math rocks.

I thought I best if I didn't tempt Chester any further, so I brought him back to the room for a little down time. 

Tomorrow may be a short day...I have a couple seminars in the morning and ant to hit the dealer hall one last time, but will probably get on the road by 3 or 4. I have about a 5 hour drive to get home and would like to be back before too late, but I probably won't end up posting tomorrow.

Thanks again for showing your support for me both in the past and in this project. If you haven't pledged yet, be sure to get in soon. We are half way to the next stretch goal, and I'd love to send some rangers out to look for a new line of mimics.

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