Hrothgar's Hoard
2 months ago

Project Update: Back home, gearing up for more shows

I returned last night around 9:00 and just vegged for the rest of the night. I haven't even unpacked.

A few local friends have encouraged me to share a bit of what life is like right now. Hrothgar's Hoard has been around for close to 10 years now (I think...its been a second, as my daughter would say).  I was doing about 2 kickstarter projects a year for several years. This project was actually supposed to begin last year.

Some of you know this already. But last March...just about a year ago, we had a fire. It destroyed the entire workshop. Tools, equipment, backstock, wood. Everything. I had 5 employees at the time and more shows lined up than I've ever done before. Luckily, I had some stock in a local storefront and in my trailer, so I didn't lose everything. Just pretty much any way of producing anything new. Sadly, I couldn't keep my staff on and ran a gofundme to get them some money while they looked for new jobs.

So, what do you do when life kicks you in the teeth? You get up and say, "Thank you, may I have another?"

Luckily, I had insurance. Not enough (as usual), but enough to start doing something. I wasn't going to be able to replace the workshop building any time soon (no contractor could get me on the schedule until the fall), so I bought a 15x15' circus tent. I found a used 80w laser a few hours away and ran out and bought it. Had a new load of lumber delivered and I was able to start making some new products.

Meanwhile, I tried to keep my schedule going. I hit a couple shows that I had already paid for using the inventory that was in the trailer and store. I managed to scrape by. Insurance money started coming in allowing me to replace more tools. Fall came along and I got the new workshop up. Had to wait a little longer to get the concrete floor in. Set tools up in there and ran things off generators until I could get electrical hookup. We didn't have any heat, so I insulated and used a torpedo heater through the winter.

I've slowly done wiring. Got plumbing put in last week. Now it is time to start putting up some drywall.

I hesitate sharing these pictures because it makes it look like I work in complete chaos. I pretty much do, but in addition to making things, I'm trying to organize for Gary Con in a couple weeks. Then I'll be at Fan Expo Cleveland. Southern Indiana Ren Fair after just never slows down.  Anyways, despite the mess, this is the most organized I've felt in months. Believe it or not, things are finally coming together. I've rehired one assisstant and have been advertising for a second. As we get production up, I'm going to be looking either at a dedicated sales/marketing person, or maybe outsource it to a 'consolidator'...a couple companies from GAMA caught my eye and may explore that.

Anyways, that's my story for the last year. As always, please share and let your friends know about the project.


entry and bathroom through the door

Lasers "Osric" and "Hrothgar"

The tablesaw has turned into a bench for book boxes, clocks and mini cases. Tubs of inventory in the background





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