Magpie Games
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Stretch Goal Unlocked: The Mystery & Design Stream!

Hoist the black flag, me hearties. We’ve uncovered a mighty ship ripe for takin’. But mysterious mist creeps ever closer as a vast sea of creatures awaits. We may even find a new friend in these waters, though their mettle has yet to be tested.

At $150,000, we unlocked a new ship: The Mystery

Something terrible, secret, and strange rests in the heart and history of this ship - and you have no idea what it is. You’d best solve its manifold riddles, or else find yourself succumbing to them. Pick this ship if you like intrigue and enjoy a ticking time bomb. The Mystery’s secrets will be a collaboration between you and the Fates, and you’ll be rewarded for plumbing its depths and learning about its past. Don’t pick this ship if you like feeling in control from the outset.  

Backers at the Stowaway pledge level and up receive a digital copy of the Mystery for free.

At $160,000, we’ll unlock a new map: The Weird

The ocean is mythical and strange, filled with sea monsters, ghosts, demons, witches, and immortal dragon kings. In the middle of it all sits a mysterious floating city in the clouds… 

Backers at the Stowaway pledge level and up receive a digital version of this map for free; backers at the Officer pledge level and up receive the physical print for free!

At $170,000 we're releasing a new playbook: The Fop.

You’re not a pirate at all - you’re a soft, lily-livered landlubber with delusions of grandeur. And now you’re stranded at sea, surrounded by vice-ridden varmints. How’d you get here? Why can’t you return to your comfortable, sheltered life? And most importantly, how will you survive when you are so clearly, hopelessly out of your depth?  

Backers at the Stowaway pledge level and up receive a digital copy of The Fop for free!

Design Stream

Tomorrow two of our captains take to the streams to bring ya some entertainment. Join Mark Diaz Truman and Brendan Conway here tomorrow at 1 PM Pacific/4 PM Eastern to talk game design and beyond! Bring yer best questions and yer scurviest friends!

That’s all for now, me mateys. We’re gettin’ towards the deepest treasure to be plundered now. No doubt something quite magnificent lurks just beyond our sights. Keep yer eyes to the horizon as we sail into the most unknown of waters.

At $160,000, we'll release a custom map from Whistler focusing on the Weird!
Goal: $160,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
At $170,000, we'll unlock a new playbook—The Fop!
Goal: $170,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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