Manda Shafer
7 months ago

Project Update: 90% there

Hi folks!
We're 90% of the way there and have just under two weeks to finish out the funding goal.  As we get closer, I've been considering some stretch goals. If we can hit $7,000 and possibly beyond, I will have the funding to add some more things to the game for everyone.

Check out the stretch goals poll to have your voice heard on what types of additions you'd like to get in the game. 

I also wanted to add that we have one Faction Leader level free up. If you'd like to update your pledge so you can be added into the game, now is your chance before it sells out again. The storyteller level that was just added also has slots available. This would be a great time to back the game, or increase your pledge if you want to add your own style into the game for everyone.

I also wanted to thank everyone who has been sharing, talking about it, and sending the campaign along. I wouldn't be able to do it without you all. Thank you.
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