7 months ago

Project Update: New name!

Sorry for the radio silence, critters!

I caught a cold last week and haven't been up for doing much outside of drawing here and there. I'm not on the mend just yet, but do hope I will be soon!

Despite all that, I am moving forward with some exciting changes this week. For awhile now I have felt like the name "careweres" doesn't really represent the project anymore. We started with 6 'were' wolves but now they're outnumbered by a whole menagerie of other monsters and it just doesn't make much sense!

So going forward the careweres will be called Snughouls

This opens us up to explore all the cute n' creepy nooks and crannies we want, without being limited by a name (even Rotwell can be a snughoul!) AND it's quite snappy to boot. 

I hope you all enjoy the new name, and are looking forward to a whole host of updates once I'm a little less sick! I know I have a lot to share as soon as I'm not feeling so crummy 😜
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