10 months ago

Project Update: That's a wrap!! 🎉🎉🎉

Wow wow wow, almost 92k!! Thank you so much critters, and as usual I will hit the ground running so I can send everything off to production ASAP! 🙏

In the meantime I'd like share a brief timeline that covers the next few weeks, so you know what to expect-- if you backed series 2 this will all sound very familiar and if you're new here I hope this clears up any lingering confusion!

Week 1 - Payments take about 2 weeks to process. While this is happening I will be working on getting surveys and the preorder store ready to go live. The preorder store will probably launch by next week, but if you already backed please wait for your survey to add more items! Otherwise you'll be charged twice for shipping and that's no fun.

Week 2 - By the end of this week surveys should be almost ready to launch! Usually a smoke test is performed to make sure everything is working correctly (a small percentage of surveys are sent out and responses are collected and monitored for around 24 hours), and then the bulk go out if everything looks good.

Week 2 to 4 (and onward) - I usually follow a two week update schedule unless more exciting stuff happens in between. These are pretty much just progress reports so you know where we're at on prototyping and all that fun stuff!

I do recommend at least skimming them though because I also share important dates this way and address questions I see popping up frequently.

Late May to June - The preorder store and surveys should close around this time. If you added any items onto your pledge or placed a preorder, this is when you'll be charged for these items. I don't have a concrete closure date right now (prototyping is pretty nebulous that way) but I will share one at least two weeks in advance. 

I think that just about covers all the most important milestones! SO looking forward to sharing some prototype photos with you all within the next week or so. We've got quite the eclectic bunch of snughouls coming up and I just know they're going to look incredible 💖 
user avatar image for McMadmissile




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