Midnight Springs
28 days ago

Project Update: Quick progress update

Hi everyone!

The pins are in molding at the moment, all proofs are approved (this goes for Holly's peets pins too!).

Preorder store probably will go up in about 2 weeks but fulfillment of course won't be for a while. Pins will likely still arrive in July? Late June? But I'm unsure about the bandages. I have the cute jellos now, too! But I'm not sure when I will have the time to deco them, because...

We urgently have to move and everything is a mess. I will be closing my shop at the end of May until we are fully situated in our new place, though we don't even have one yet. I am still working on getting the pledges out from my last KS as well, which is delayed in large part by the stress of this. But of course, getting that all out BEFORE we leave is legitimately our 2nd top priority (under actually moving), so that will be done by the end of May, at the very least by the end of the 1st week of June, and then all remaining business focus will be on this project and Tekko in Pittsburgh in July.

So I am super scatterbrained as always, but even worse than usual, so don't hesitate to ask any questions if you have them. I will try my best to answer!

As a side note, in about 10 days I will physically in person be selling at Colossalcon in Sandusky, OH! I will have a proxy at Animazement this next weekend in Raleigh, NC because due to health I can't fly anywhere this year, but will have some new merch there too.

(Also please wish us luck because moving with so many cats and reptiles is going to be a nightmare)

Hope you are having a good weekend!




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