Next Level Miniatures
3 months ago

Project Update: Final Week + Custom Pledges for Returning Backers from Previous Projects

Happy Monday to everyone! We hope your weekend treated you alright and for those of you in the USA we hope that the Daylight Savings adjustment wasn't too rough.

The campaign ends at 4pm Central time this Friday. So as the campaign is closing in on the final days, we ask that you help get the word out to friends and family so we can finish strong! We're getting oh-so-close to unlocking the Otyugh Glutton and we think we get surely get there by the end.

Our main goal for today's update though is to get the word out about the two custom pledges we've created for backers of our previous campaigns. We've remastered the models in this campaign over the course of the past year in phases, so those who were backers of Dragon's Hoard Vol. 2 and Next Level Encounters will have potentially already acquired some of the remastered models in this campaign's collection. For those people we've created two special pledge options that should serve their needs.

The Dragon's Hoard Vol. 2 Veteran pledge contains all models remastered after those found in the DHV2 pledge manager, excluding the Red Dragon. Similarly, the Next Level Encounters Veteran pledge contains only the models remastered after Next Level Encounters, excluding the Red Dragon.

Use the links below to see all of the details (make sure to open the links in a new tab for them to work). The only way to access these pledges is via these links. They do not appear on the main campaign page as we don't want to confuse people new to our miniatures as they are looking at the campaign page and the pledge options.

Dragon's Hoard Vol. 2 Veteran Pledge (use open in new tab to ensure the link works properly)

Next Level Encounters Veteran Pledge (use open in new tab to ensure the link works properly)

We hope these two options will work for some of you who have been asking for a pledge option like this, but if you're looking for a more granular selection of models, the Access the Pledge Manager pledge option will be your best bet as you will be able to fully customize your pledge to pick and choose the exact models you want.

Well, that's all we've got for today. We'll be back soon with more updates over the course of the week. See you all in the comments!

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