Next Level Miniatures
2 months ago

Project Update: Pledge Manager is NOW OPEN - Backer Surveys have been sent!

Hello to everyone, we've back with our first post-campaign update! We'll be covering topics for the pledge manager and production progress.

The first order of business is to let everyone know the Pledge Manager is now set up and ready to go. We were expecting to have to wait until Friday to send them out, but we got the green light from Backerkit already so we're going for it. We sent out a "smoke test" to about 5% of backers yesterday and so far we haven't received any reports of issues. Based on that we're feeling confident we've got everything set up properly so we've just sent out all of the Backer Surveys. If you were a backer of the project please check your email associated with Backerkit for that. If you don't see it in your inbox, make sure to check your spam or promotions tabs to ensure it didn't get filtered there. The Backer Survey will allow you to complete your pledge by verifying your pledge items, selecting Add-Ons, and submitting your shipping address. Filling out your survey is an essential action for all backers to be able to receive their rewards so don't ignore this!

If you do run into any issues with filling out your survey, or have questions about anything, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] so we can assist you.

Along with the pledge manager being open comes the opening of the Pre-Order Shop for Late Pledges. Anyone who missed out on the campaign can now jump in and pledge. Please share the link with family or friends who might be interested!

We want to point out a few things that are important when filling out your Backer Survey or Pre-Order. First, please make sure your shipping address is correct. This is obvious of course, but also supremely important for your rewards to get to you. We do encounter address typos while we're doing fulfillment of every project and we're all human (we think), so an extra reminder can't hurt. We'll be periodically reminding everyone to update their address if they move prior to when fulfillment starts (you'll probably get sick of reading the reminders, but we don't want anyone to forget!).

If you are a backer from outside the USA, we highly suggest you enter your phone number in when filling out your shipping information. From our experience fulfilling three campaigns, having your phone number available could be the difference between the carrier delivering your package or not. We're happy to say our international backers were quite adept at getting their phone numbers in for our Next Level Encounters project and we had no reports of packages not being deliverable - so kudos to those folks for being awesome!

For EU/UK backers, you should be charged VAT during checkout. We've done numerous tests prior to opening up the pledge manager to make sure this works properly, but you never know once something goes live. So if you think you should be charged VAT, but aren't please contact us!

This update also marks the first production update for the project. As you can see from our handy graphic above, we're roughly 12% done with production. We're busy getting new masters and molds created and churning out those cool little miniatures each and every day. As we move along we'll be sharing images from production and showcasing the new models as they hit the production line.

Of course the tracker above doesn't account for additional purchases in the Pre-Order store or from backer add-ons that will be made. As those come in it will change the math, but we'll keep you all informed of our progress with every bi-weekly update moving forward.

That's all for today. We'll be back in a couple weeks with another project update for you all. In the meantime, we'll see you in the comments!

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