Next Level Miniatures
2 months ago


Hello everyone!

Dragon's Hoard Remastered is in the books and the campaign has now concluded. Our first order of business is to thank everyone who pledged their support to make this project a reality!

After that, the next order of business for us is setting up the Pre-Order store and opening the Pledge Manager. We'll begin finalizing setup of the Pre-Order store for late backers potentially by the end of next week.

For backers, your next step will be to complete your pledge survey which will allow you to grab add-ons and any other minis and items that are available in the pledge manager, then complete your pledge by filling out your shipping info and covering the shipping costs (and VAT if applicable) to your location. However, before we can send those surveys out, Backerkit has to finish recording and compiling all of your pledge info and payments. This takes 14 days according to them. So once that happens and your info is imported into the pledge manager, we can then send out those surveys, which should be right around the end of the month. We know it feels like a "hurry up and wait" situation, but the rules are the rules, so hang tight on that and we'll give you plenty of notice in a big ol' update full of info and tips so you're prepared when the time comes.

We do want to reiterate that all of the pledge options and add-ons will be available a la carte in the pledge manager along with each mini from the campaign (and that includes the Otyugh Glutton stretch goal and the Red Dragon). You'll also be able to snag extra copies of any of the pledges as well. If you want a second All-In Pledge, or if you wanted to grab one of the special Veteran pledges to add to your original pledge, you can do that as well. All that is to say, you're going to have plenty of options!

As we move our focus fully into the production of the project, we will still have regular updates to keep you all informed of our progress along the way. We plan to post updates every two weeks and sometimes weekly when we have an abundance of new stuff to show you or important topics to cover. Those who were a part of our previous projects know we put an emphasis on communication and like to keep everyone in the loop along the way.

We're sure you all have questions so please comment on this update so we can address those below or in a future update post.

Again, a dragon-sized THANK YOU to everyone who helped bring Dragon's Hoard Remastered to life!
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