Publishing Goblin
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Latest Information! | Upcoming Projects!

I just wrote a really big long update and then I hit 'Save' which you have to do to then publish and when it opened the new page the whole update was gone. This also happened in a different way over on Kickstarter on my latest Alleyman update, and I'm feeling a bit jinxed by the gods haha.

Shipping Delay to February 2023

The long and short is that we are shifting the shipping date to February 2023. Manufacturing still hasn't started because test prints and dice sets haven't been made. Things were just now finally okayed to move forward, pending a couple simple answers from me. They are estimating 2 months to have test pieces and then full scale production handled, and think early December things could start heading out from China.

However, because shipping costs are high in that time, and because package volume makes it more likely for things to go missing during that time, I am sliding us back one more month to January. So from January 2023 to February 2023, this project will ship.

I'll update again when the test sets arrive, especially the stone, and the updated dice box and all that good stuff.

For now, I'm leaving the pre-order store open through December at the least.

Upcoming Projects

First, a note that both these new projects AND the dice all have different manufacturers and fulfillment teams, so there will be no issue for manufacturing or fulfillment on these projects.

New Avernus

On October 4th, launching here on Backerkit, is New Avernus. In this apocalyptic city building board game, 1-4 players race to clear the rubble of old civilizations, gather resources, and build new cities worthy of their cruel, watchful god. But you must hurry, as a meteor is on its way to destroy all you build. After it hits, count the remaining points you have left on the board to see which of your cities is still the most worthy of your god's adoration.

Sign up to be notified here!

If board games aren't your thing, consider pledging just for the Oracle of Glass and Stone-- the 30 card oracle that chronicles the lives of the Koukyla, the stone people who labor to be witnessed by their god, Xerxes. Or pledge day 1 for the game and get the oracle for free. Use it to divine your own answers, or use it in conjunction with the game for a more indepth single player mode.

The Alleyman Podcast CD Set

Over on Kickstarter, the same moment of October 4th we go live with the board game, the Alleyman returns with his story, all 13 episodes, saved on a cd set. Join Dr. Ala Okoye on his journey to uncover this myth's origins, its meaning, and its truth as he asks the most important question of his career: Who owns a myth?

Then answer it yourself by pledging to own the 6-CD set and its 7 all-new Alleyman tarot cards by incredible artists like Metallica and Magic the Gathering's own WolfSkullJack who has illustrated the Alleyman as werewolf oracle, the incredible Morgan Robles who is interpreting the Alleyman as goth sex worker, Kollapsar who is displaying the Alleyman in a back alley card duel, or the award-winning Nala Wu whose interpretation is as unknown as the Alleyman himself, and more.

You can also get an accompanying book with art, the scripts, behind the scenes info, and more! Head over to Kickstarter and show your interest today to let me know that you'll be there for this chance to own the Alleyman myth on your bookshelf.

Year of the Goblin Delay

Because the dice, the boardgame, and the CD set will be coming to fruition into the first couple months of 2023, I am delaying the Year of the Goblin. For those not in the know, I was going to be launching a new project each month of 2023, rotating platforms, manufacturers, and genres. From board game to card game to oracle deck to book of poems, I had a whole fun thing planned.

However, I want to go into the event with people's absolute trust. I have always fulfilled projects that funded. Lately with the state of the world, there have been some delays, but things always get done in the end. I want to affirm that good will and my good standing with all of you by ensuring the projects from this year are complete before this endeavor begins.

Manufacturing for all three projects will be occurring in October-December, and in January and on each will be sent out by their own teams. By the end of March, all 3 will be done at the latest.

Then in April, 2023, I will open with the first of 9 projects run in a row. In January I will have more news on what the 9 projects will be, and when each will launch.

Thank you for your support and interest!

A side note. The Caretaker, designer and writer of the Normal Tarot, has opted for a foil-less print on demand option for the Gold and Silver Normal Tarots rather than a full reprint. You can find the Gold here, and the Silver here. These two will not have a reprint in the 9 projects of the Year of the Goblin.

Thank you, and see you all soon for the print test videos and photos!





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