Windy & Wallflower
about 1 month ago

Project Update: LAST 3 DAYS YAHOO~!

Hey folks, serious update, are we ready? We're Ready.

There are just THREE DAYS LEFT to see if we can unlock as many of these stretch goals as we can. It seems insane, impossible even, BUT--I think we can do it.

We'll just need everyone's help to get it done!

Here's the thing, Backerkit loves making really sick goals and Hitting Them. We just got an email, they want all the project's collective goal to hit ONE MILLION!! Honestly? I think crazy enough we MIGHT even be able to do it!

So here's the deal.  If we can hit a couple more stretch goals... I might be encouraged to add a couple bonus unlock-ables in the pledge manager ;> 
(I'm adding one last poll just to gauge what kind of pin banner folks would be interested in for these pins!)

We are extremely close to unlocking the Sinner Pin! I think we can (at least) hit this goal before the end of the funding period! AND try to add to the collective goal of hitting 1 million for PINTOPIA 2!

For those of you who have already backed, a million bazillion thanks to you, for coming out of the woodwork and making our very first Backerkit Crowdfunding campaign hit HARD. What a wild ride it's been <3 thank you always for trusting in us to get things done. I'm EXTREMELY excited for this collection of pins we've got here and looking forward to branching this collection Out.

Lets not lose our train YET! There's THREE DAYS and we can really make this project go out with a hell of a bang!
Lets do IT!
16 votes • Final results
Lets unlock ONE MORE big 2 inch pin, why don't we? (This reward will be unlocked as an add-on available to backer for purchase or to select as their default pin). It will also be added for free to the 7 Deadly Pins tier.
Goal: $7,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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