Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 42
Demons, demons, demons!
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 41
Into the Shadowlands, Part 1
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 40
Tyeld, the City of Shadows and the Shadowlands
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 39
Begin the Exploration of Tyeld, the Shadowed City
2025 Hexcrawl Daily Workbook
A daily planner-style spiral-bound workbook with a blank hex for each day.
Wilderness Hex-A-Day Calendar and Workbook (Canceled)
A system agnostic daily calendar, each day with a unique wilderness hex to add to your game.
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 38
A hex, guidelines for prophecies, and the eldritch warrior class
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 37
Starting off Year Four with a BANG!
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 36
The Sewers of Dry Gulch
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 35
The City of Dry Gulch, Part II
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 34
The City of Dry Gulch Part One
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 33
Artifacts and Relics, part II
BX Advanced Bestiary, Vol. 2
Covering monsters E through K in the second volume of this series.
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 32
A zine for OSE and OSR games
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 31
Issue 31 in the Populated Hexes Monthly series, in classic zine format!
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 30
A monthly 'zine written for Old School Essentials.
Populated Hexes Issues 28 and 29
Hexcrawl supplements for Old School Essentials
Populated Hex Monthly Year Two
A compiled printing of Issues 13-24
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 26
The Psionics Issue, Part II
Populated Hexes Monthly Issue 25
The psionics issue!
Into the Wild Omnibus Edition
A revision of Into the Wild, Filling in the Blanks, and A Guide to Thieves' Guilds.
Hex 14.42 -- Troll Mountain
The final hex in the Keep of the Rawhide Gang cluster
The Pallid Fields: A mini-hexcrawl in Faery
A 48-page hexcrawl and guide to the Realms of Faery
Populated Hex Monthly Year One
A compiled book of issues 1-12 of the Populated Hexes Monthly 'zine.
BX Advanced Bestiary Vol. 1
An expanded bestiary for Old School Essentials and similar role-playing games.
Basilisk Hills Hexcrawl Offset Printing
Funding a sewn-binding offset print version of the book.
Lake of Abominations Hexcrawl Compilation
A compiled and expanded hexcrawl set in the world of the Populated Hexes Series
Hex 15.41 -- The Valley of the Rock Baboons
A new hex in the Populated Hexes series of adventure locations.
Basilisk Hills Compiled Hexcrawl
An open-sandbox adventure region for use with old-school gaming