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Wehrlegig Games
1 day ago

Project Update: 📆Timeline Update 🚗 Gen Con 💳 BackerKit Balance Charge Date

Hi everyone👋 I have another exciting update about Molly House and Wehrlegig things, but before we get into it, check out this new art piece that is going to be front and center in the middle of the game board! I cannot wait for folks to see for far the design and art has come since launch. Let this just be a bit of a tease before we share a big art update next month. In this update, I'll share a brief progress update, mention a few key dates to look out for this fall, and chat about some of our Gen Con events next week.

📆 Production Progress

If you were unsure, we have been hard at work on getting Molly House ready for pre-production. Recently, we reached a important milestone for the project: Our manufacturing partner now has the production specifications for all non-paper components and we've confirmed our production numbers. This means that as we work on finalizing the cards, board, rulebooks, and punchboard, we'll be receiving updated production samples of the evidence cubes and dice and pawns over the coming weeks.

Given that we haven't started mass production yet, the schedule for fulfillment will be pushed back into into late 2024 and into 2025. Exact dates are hard to pin down right now since we are not exactly sure how long pre-production will take, but we're hoping to enter mass production in September (and potentially start mass production of some of the hard components in August). Just rest assured we are taking our time and we want to make the best version of Molly House possible and we can do that because of your support and patience as we enter this next stage.

📆 Key Dates

So what is next on the horizon for Backers? It's mostly a whole lot of waiting for now. Nearly 100% of pledges have been confirmed and locked. The next stage is for us to Charge Cards for remaining balances, which we try to do right before production starts to include all of the late-backers and shipping costs ahead of time. On August 28th, any outstanding Molly House pledge balance will be charged. Many Backers only have their shipping fee outstanding, which will be processed at this time, as well as any fees for add-ons and taxes. 

Also, your delivery address does not need to be final and confirmed yet either. The next important date to look out for is when we start collecting final addresses! We'll roll these out by region, so we'll start sending emails to backers this fall. The first batch of final address confirmation will start October 22nd. I suspect this address confirmations roll across regions through Nov and December. We'll have a fall update that has more details about when exactly we'll confirm delivery addresses and when we expect to start shipping to backers and in what regions. Hard to tell until mass production starts up in ernest and moreso until the games are freighted and get through customs. One step at a time!

As always, let us know directly over email if you have any questions about card charging or your pledge. Always open to hear from you [email protected]

🚗Gen Con 🚗

Next up is Gen Con! The show is right around the corner and it is going to be such a fun and busy time. Cole and I will be with the Leder Games crew playing just an absolute mess of Arcs over the Con in the Leder Games Demo Room across from the Exhibit hall, and I will be running some Molly House demos! Though all of my events are sold out, please come by if you want to take pictures and check out the game. I am also planning on doing a shorten'd demo / show-and-tell in the Tabletop Gaymer's Room during their free-play hour from 6-8pm on Thursday too.

Lastly, Cole and I were invited to participate in this curious John Company / qausi-actual play event on Friday night of Gen Con.  Check out the info below. If you can attend, even if just for a portion of it, this event will be like nothing else you get to experience over the weekend (especially if you just want to see what John Company is like being played).


Alright! That's all for now. Thank you all so much for being here and helping us finish this game. I cannot wait for the next update where we get to show you photos of production samples, but until then, wish us luck upcoming our conventions this year : )

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Dynamite Entertainment Team
1 day ago

Project Update: Something Signed by Jone Cleese Update

So...remember that "something signed by John Cleese" pledge level?  We're excited to share a picture of the really awesome Monty Python's Holy Grail collectors print!  These are beautifully printed on heavy cardstock and are suitable for framing. Mr. Cleese is scheduled to autograph the pictures in just about 4 weeks at a convention appearance.  It's all been arranaged - the prints arrive via swallow and the signatures will be completed during his stay here in the United States for the show.  It's all rather exciting as we all love Monty Python and are thrilled to have the opportunity to share this awesome collectible with everyone.

Watch for more updates coming soon.  We should have news on the pledge manager and the manufacturing progress soon.  Thanks!!

Oh and make sure you check out ComicTopia on Backerkit running now!  We have a cool project on there as well as 27 other incredibly creative comics and graphic novels.  Fun!





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Steve Jackson Games
3 days ago

Project Update: Munchkin Big Box - Surveys Closing Soon

Hello, Munchkin fans!

It’s been a few weeks since our last update, and as we get closer to one of our planned dates, we wanted to check in with you all!

Nearing the end of July, we are at 90% survey completion. Thank you so much to those that have gone in and completed their surveys in advance of the early August deadlines.

Use this link to get to your survey.

For those that have yet to complete your survey, time is running out. Over the next few weeks, as we work on verifying orders and other details, we will begin to lock down surveys and charge cards for shipping (as well as any add-ons you might’ve selected through the survey process). This means that you might not be able to order an add-on you had your eye on because quantities may no longer be available. If there was an add-on you wanted, please complete your survey before the first week of August so you are included.

As for the Munchkin Big Box itself, the team is still working hard on getting the expanded project off to print. As we have more newsworthy items to share, we will let you know! 

Munchkin Digital Clerical Errors Now Available!

Looking for something to do while you’re waiting for your Big Box? Our friends at Dire Wolf Digital have been hard at work on their newest release for Munchkin Digital, Clerical Errors. Munchkin Digital is available on Steam, Android, as well as iOS. It features cross-play compatibility, so you can help or backstab friends on other platforms! 

Steve Jackson Games @ Gen Con 2024

We’re happy to share that Steve Jackson Games will be at our regular Gen Con booth #1401! Gen Con 2024 kicks off August 1st, and we would love to see you come and say hi! You can be among the first to purchase the Car Wars Orange/Purple Starter Set, and you can also check out some of our new releases from throughout the year. We'll even have a deeply-discounted mystery box. What's in it? You'll just have to grab a copy to find out! And don’t worry, Munchkin fans! We will also have an awesome array of Munchkin promos for you to get your hands on! 

If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave a message below or visit our help site to contact us.

Thank you!
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Greater Than Games
3 days ago

Project Update: Spirits of the Island, Rise Up and Be Heard!

Hello, fans of Spirit Island! 

We have so many exciting ideas for a new run of Spirit Island accessories, and we want your input! Many of you have emailed and posted about products for Spirit Island that you would like to see. We’ve taken all of those messages into consideration, but we wanted you to make your voices heard as to what products you’d like to see the most. In celebration of the upcoming 10th anniversary of Spirit Island, let’s go over the different products that are options in the poll here.

Spirit Island 10th Anniversary Adversary Pack — $20
Every adversary, but with each difficulty level broken out into its own card, the same size as the current adversary cards. Each of the 56 cards would be laid out in a way to make it clear which effects you cared about, rather than having all the effects even for levels you’re not currently playing.

Spirit Island Boards G & H — $20
Two additional boards to add to your island! These would be tiles that match the quality of what you already have in the game, but with the land layout of G and H.

Spirit Island Iconic Blight Pack — $30
You know how the blight icon in the game doesn’t look like the blight plastic piece? We’re commissioning a new sculpt that looks like the icon! A taller “pawn” that has that drippy orb look, but still is small enough to not take over any land it’s in. And this is a set of 64 of them!

Spirit Island Defend & Bonus Markers — $30
A whole bunch of punchboard markers to denote specific defend amounts, and other bonus values for smoother gameplay.
  • 20 Defend 1 Markers
  • 30 Defend 2 Markers
  • 60 Defend 3 Markers
  • 10 Defend 10 Markers
  • 10 +1 Range Markers
  • 10 +1 Damage Markers
  • 15 Fast/Slow Markers

Spirit Island 10th Anniversary Combined Rulebook — $40
A hardcover book that combines all Spirit Island rulebooks into one location for you to reference. It would measure 8.5”x11”, have a brand new art cover, and be full of useful info, all in one place!

Spirit Island 10th Anniversary Spirit Pack — $50
This is probably the single most requested item. It’s a pack of ALL of the spirit panels, printed on cardstock. AND! If that’s not enough, it’s also the 31 aspects, EACH WITH THEIR OWN UNIQUE PANEL! Yes, with their own art. If you’ve played Handelabra’s video game adaptation of Spirit Island (and if you haven’t, you should check it out) you might have already seen some of the art we’ve been commissioning for this very purpose. 

  • 37 Spirit Panels
  • 31 Aspect Panels (with all new art)

Spirit Island Premium Token Pack 3 — $50
A new wooden token pack!
  • 120 Defend markers, as listed above
  • 10 +1 Range Markers
  • 10 +1 Damage Markers
  • 15 Fast/Slow Markers
  • 6 Fear markers
  • 28 Branch & Claw style scenario markers (1 each numbered 1-8; 17 unnumbered)
  • 28 Jagged Earth style scenario markers (3 numbered 1, 2 numbered 2, 1 each numbered 3-8; 17 unnumbered)

Spirit Island 10th Anniversary Wooden Island Boards — $150
This is a VERY premium product that we’ve been in talks with a variety of manufacturers for quite a while. Imagine each island board, from A through H, lovingly crafted in stained and painted wood. Sturdy, beautiful, and made from all-natural hardwoods. Is it expensive? Yes. But you can guess why! The question is, do you still want such a thing at this price?

Spirit Island Metal Invader Pieces — $250
Another very premium product, this one even more audacious than the last! All of the invader pieces — explorers, towns, cities, and even blight (in the new blight sculpt, as discussed above) — in bright metal! This is a heavy set of miniatures! 
  • 40 metal City minis
  • 60 metal Town minis
  • 90 metal Explorer minis
  • 64 metal Blight minis

And that’s everything on the poll!

Keep in mind that all of these products are still very developmental potential ideas! We will be able to answer as many questions as we can, but there may be factors that we can’t answer until we are further along in production. Which, obviously, may not happen depending on the answers to the poll! We want to know what YOU want before we start making any of these!

Let’s talk about the poll itself. You have four options for each of these products:
  • I would very likely buy this item at this price.
  • I would probably be interested in this item at this price, but I’d have to see it first.
  • I would probably be interested in this item, but the price is too high.
  • I would probably not buy this item.

Pretty self explanatory options! Please be as honest as possible. We thank you all so much for your feedback!

And, once again, here is the link to the poll.

Thank you so much, all you stalwart defenders of Spirit Island!




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Cypher Unlimited Creations
2 days ago

Project Update: Funded in 30 hours!

My goodness! The outpouring of support for The Entropic Isle has been AMAZING and we're already funded!

A huge huge thanks to all backers for making this happen! This has been a wild ride and it's only getting started!

If you're on the fence still, your support will only make the book better as we hit stretch goals so please consider backing!

Our first stretch goal at $4,000 will add two new archetypes; Wight Mage and Monk (final name tbd). It will also add 2 new artifacts, 2 new cyphers and 2 new cursed artifacts!

We're still overwhelmed and humbled by all the support, this community is amazing!


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Today it's my birthday, what better day to celebrate than helping a cool idea come to life? I'm really about this campaign, hope it goes sky-high!

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Has shipping been charged and can I change my shipping address?

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By Night Studios
about 1 hour ago

Project Update: Short update about the unexpected delay update

As mentioned before, our shipment of the pocket-edition is expected to arrive in late August, and we’ll begin delivering the soft-cover book orders (along with add-ons) as soon as possible after that. We've got a dedicated team ready to package and send out your orders the moment the books arrive. Backers will receive their orders first, followed by shop pre-orders- backers, expect an address survey mid August! We will also post here before these go out.

We've explored the possibility of split shipping and found it challenging to ensure that no stretch goals or add-ons are missed, especially with the hardback and softback releases being just about two months apart. However, if you're eager to get the softback right away, please contact us at [email protected], and we'll do our best to accommodate your request. Please note that  separate shipping costs will apply.
For our international friends, combining shipments of both hardback and softback editions is likely the most cost-effective option. We're committed to making sure you receive your books in the best way possible!




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Space Penguin Ink, LLC
1 day ago

Project Update: Smoke Test and Surveys

Hello everyone, we hope your week is going well!
Today is another milestone for us, as we will be sending out our Smoke Test to a small section of backers, to make sure everything will run smoothly on the BackerKit Pledge Manager end of things. Roughly 5% of you will receive an email from BackerKit PM asking you to complete your backer survey.

If you haven't used BackerKit before, don't worry, it's a simple setup. If you run into trouble, please check all of the super helpful information found at this link (BackerKit backer help). If you are still running into trouble, please email [email protected] with your backer name and email address, and we will help you get sorted.

Very important: your surveys will be sent to the email address that you backed the crowdfund with, so if you used an Apple ID you will need to check that email.

In the survey you will be able to purchase add-ons of extra copies of Hungry Hollow, The Bloom, and Investigators. All of your pledged items will automatically appear in your cart, but you can add extras if you so desire. You will also pay for shipping at this time, so have your address handy. We will not be locking orders or addresses until closer to time to ship, so you will be able to login up until we lock those orders and addresses if you need to change them for any reason.

After the Smoke Test is out and completed, and we have identified and addressed any concerns, the remainder of the surveys will go out to the rest of backers.

Very important (so important that we're reiterating it): after exhausting the list of backer-related questions at this link (BackerKit backer help), if you have any trouble with managing your pledge, please email [email protected] with your backer name and email address, and we will help you get sorted. This is the best way to ensure smooth service.

For those of you who didn't back, you are also able to make pre-orders now by using this link:


Thanks again to all wonderful backers and followers. We've sent the (quite large) print run order in and it is getting prepped, and we are excited to get these surveys out to you now!





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Cypher Unlimited Creations
3 days ago

Project Update: Entropic Isle Solo Play Demo Twitch Stream

For whatever reason, the stream link and details are all messed up on the main page.

Just for clarification, I'll be streaming some Entropic Isle solo play at 10PM ET tonight (7/23) on !

Sorry again for the messed up stream information on the main page!

Looking forward to seeing y'all at the stream tonight!

— AncientAlbatross




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