Project Teasers
Sneak peeks of upcoming projects.


Steve Rude the Dude
2 months ago
27 votes • Final results




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Steve Rude the Dude
2 months ago

Project Update: Yo Dudes & Dudettes! The Humble Dude's New Sketchbook Needs YOU!

Alright folks, gather 'round! Your friendly neighborhood artist, Steve Rude (the one with the crippling art supply habit!), is back with a brand new sketchbook project: The Art of Steve Rude 2025 Sketchbook!

This bad boy's hitting crowdfunding in January, and lemme tell ya, art supplies ain't cheap. That's why your support is golden!

Speaking of gold, be sure to check out our Patreon page – those dedicated dudes and dudettes get some special deals during the launch.

And hey, while you're at it, head over to our launch page (www.steverude.com/2025skb) and sign up for the Backerkit livestream! We'll be dishing all the juicy details about the sketchbook and maybe even throw in a few laughs.

Now, to keep this humble dude motivated, let's hear it! What kind of goodies would make YOU excited for the next crowdfunder? Hit that poll and let your freak flag fly! (Select all that apply)

See you in January, dudes and dudettes!
27 votes • Final results




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Hi Everyone,

We just wanted to let everyone know that work on the comic is currently underway, and to say thank you to everyone for their patience. We joined onto the comictopia project on rather short notice, but during the campaign it became clear that while we love Backerkit for our fulfillment solution, we've just built up too much of a an audience on Kickstarter to try and move everyone over here. So we will be launching issue 1, the full issue, over on Kickstarter next month, and we will have enough art to finalize assembly of the ashcan very soon.

Artist Antonio Baldari also had to take on another gig unexpectedly but is back working on CSR, and also contributed this awesome cover for the upcoming full length issue.

So hopefully if everything lines up right, you will have the ashcans in hand just as everyone is starting to talk about the first issue, before it goes to press. This will also get a wide circulation through comic book stores nation/world-wide, making this limited ashcan release something special. As soon as the new kickstarter pre-launch page is live we will share that too. More to come soon!

In the mean time, if you're into other gratuitous, violent fun, but of the supernatural bent, there's a campaign for the new printing of Mercy Sparx #1 happening right now:





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Magnetic Press
about 8 hours ago

Project Update: And that's a wrap...!

Hi everyone!

Wow, what a great final stretch! You unlocked the bonus challenge coin (which all physical pledges will get for FREE), and carried us nearly to $75k...! (Am I disappointed we came so shy of a nice round number...? NO. I'm thrilled with what we achieved together!)

We'll be transferring all of the campaign data and momentum into Backerkit's Pledge Manager system next week from where the surveys will be sent once that is ready. Stay tuned for information on that mailing as soon as we're ready.

Thank you SO MUCH for your support! We know you'll be very happy with these books when they arrive. Vincent's work is beautiful and these stories are classic. 






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Mitch Netzer
1 day ago

Project Update: One Day Left!

Hi everyone!

It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks (including a trip to France and a brush encounter with Vincent... he's really excited by the response of the campaign!) We just unlocked the sixth bonus postcard that will be added FREE to all physical pledges. Check out all of the cool extras unlocked so far --

With only one day left, we're inching closer and closer to the $70,000 stretch goal, where we unlock a beautiful 2" metal challenge coin. How beautiful is it? We think it's pretty awesome...

So what happens now? We need you to SHARE the campaign. Share it far and wide. Have an Instagram channel? Share it. Have a YouTube channel? Share it. Have someone's phone number? Text them. That's right. Spam your family, friends, and even those Hydes in your life! Help us get to that final $70,000 stretch goal and help push this campaign as much as possible!

Thanks, everyone! This is going to be another special production! 😊




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Magnetic Press
about 9 hours ago

Project Update: Back from France

Hi everyone!

We've made it home from our trip to the annual Festival de la Bande Dessinée in Angoulême, France, and I must say... it was awesome. Not only was it rejuvenating to get off the grid (relatively speaking) for a couple of weeks, but it was great to see so many friends and authors again. Unlike most conventions in the US, this festival truly is focused entirely on comics and the historic fandom that keeps the art form alive. No movies, no video games, no tabletop games, very few cosplayers (although there is a healthy manga fandom), just COMICS. The 9th Art. And it is heavenly...

We were hoping to see Merwan again this year, but he is already hard at work on the 3rd book in the ASTER series. These things take time, considering that he paints everything with traditional watercolors on board, so I can't say when it'll be done, but it's coming...! And you know we'll be here to bring it to you once it's ready. 😉

We have heard from a few backers abroad who have received their packages this week. I believe all UK/EU packages have shipped as of today; if you haven't received yours yet, please give them 5-10 business days to make the journey. Hopefully, you won't be waiting that long.

Backers in Australia and New Zealand - your packages should be on their way to you within the next week or so. Aetherworks (the fulfillment warehouse) is finishing one other campaign in the queue ahead of us, but they'll get to ASTER immediately following. I believe the Address Verification email should go out soon, so keep an eye on your email inboxes for that.

For those of you in Asia, your packages should be going out very soon now that everyone is back at work from Chinese New Year. I suspect they'll be finished this week, but we will get confirmation shortly.

Thanks for your patience, and I hope those of you who've gotten your orders are as happy with the books as we are! ☺️ If you have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected] and they'll do their best to help you out.





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Magnetic Press
1 day ago
At $50,000, all physical tiers will include a FREE etched metal page-clip bookmark featuring Holmes and Lupin!
Goal: $50,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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4 days ago

Project Update: Proofread to Death, Party at the Printer's.

This is a bit of a late update, but we've got news to share for Perfect Crime Party for all our fellow partygoers!🥳

We've officially finished all the proofreading and are moving on to bringing the party to the printer's place! As of this post we already have arrangements going and are just waiting on the proofs to come back to review and make sure that everything is clear and readable! This is one of the reasons that this part can seem like it takes so long. What was great on the PDF doesn't always pop in regular lighting, though, so it is important. 

Hopefully we will have some physical proofs to show off to you all by the middle of next month, and then it is on to waiting for the production to complete! 🥂

What this means is that we are also currently on track for release date, which we're very happy to be able to report! I'll be back with another update as soon as possible!




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Steve Rude the Dude
1 day ago

Project Update: Test Survey is LIVE! We Need Your Feedback!

Hey Awesome Backers,

Great News! The Test Survey is now LIVE for a select group of backers! You've been chosen to get early access and help us ensure everything is perfect before the full survey launch.

Inside the Test Survey:

  • Review Your Pledge Items: Your rewards are pre-loaded in your cart! Please carefully review and confirm all items are correct, including quantities. Let us know immediately if anything is missing. Important Note: There is a known visual glitch showing two bookplate items in some orders. Backerkit is resolving this display issue, and you will only be charged correctly for one. Please check your order summary for accurate charges.
  • Limited Remarque Offer: For Hardcover Book backers, Steve is offering a limited number of unique sketches (remarques) for an additional $100. You'll find this option in the survey. (Hardcover books only. Limited quantity available).

Important: This is a Test Survey! 

This survey is a real checkout system, but it's currently released to a small test group only. We need your help to ensure everything is perfect before the full launch. Please carefully review every detail and let us know if you spot any issues – typos, incorrect costs, or anything unexpected. Your feedback is critical to a successful full survey release.

Surveys for Everyone Else: 

If you're not in this test group, don't worry! The full survey release for all backers is planned for tomorrow. Launching in stages helps us catch and fix any issues early, ensuring a smoother experience for everyone.

🎁 Bonus Alert: FREE Alice in Wonderland Print! 🎁 

As a thank you for being early testers, backers who complete their survey by the end of October 18th will receive a FREE and beautiful Alice in Wonderland print! Complete your survey promptly to claim your bonus print!

Payment Details:

  • Credit Cards: Will be charged later (closer to shipping).
  • PayPal: Charged immediately.

Shipping Update: 

Still aiming for early April shipping! (Pending final approvals).
We are incredibly excited to bring this project to life and deliver your rewards. Your feedback is invaluable!


The Rude Dude Team
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
user avatar image for Steve Rude the Dude




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