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2 days ago
113 votes • 4 days left
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2 days ago

Project Update: Moonbeam's First Prioritized Feature: You Decide!

Greetings from sunny, humid, and hot Florida!

As promised, I am here to talk to you about reaching our first stretch goal. I want to use this first milestone to establish a few things we strongly believe in at Moonbeam: transparency and valuing what you want out of Moonbeam.

So, for our first stretch goal, we will actualize these beliefs by having a candid and open discussion with you and the Moonbeam team to help shape Moonbeam's future in the way you want!

This will happen over the course of a few steps, and we encourage you to engage with us and the community as we complete each one. 

Step 1. Collect data to determine if the first feature is creator or viewer focused. 

This will be accomplished via a poll on BackerKit that ends at 11:59pm PDT on July 30th. The poll is attached to this update at the end! Most live streaming platforms bucket their platform features into two categories: features for creators and features for viewers. At Moonbeam, we want to be the most creator-obsessed platform on the internet, and we fundamentally see creators as an essential element of Moonbeam. What sets us apart from other platforms is that we don’t see the other individuals as just “viewers”; we see them as “fans.” Many fans might start off just checking out streams or chatting in a Realm, but we believe many fans will run communities, write posts, chat about engaging topics, and become creators themselves, but in new and novel ways. So, we want to gather data transparently to see what features you and the community of Moonbeam want us to prioritize initially. To do this, we ask that you answer a straightforward question, “What type of feature should Moonbeam prioritize? A feature for creators or a feature for viewers?” With this question, we purposefully use the creator/viewer paradigm to get to the root of the Moonbeam community's needs. This helps us gather data to build our team and establish specific departments within Moonbeam to focus on different aspects of the Moonbeam community and ecosystem.

Step 2. Present feature choices. 

Once you let us know if the first prioritized feature should be creator or viewer focused, we will present several feature choices to you and explain them in detail. You and the community will have time to discuss these with us, and then we will put them up for a vote. Once the community votes on the feature they want, we will prioritize the one that gets the most votes.

From here, we rinse and repeat as we hit stretch goals or when we come to certain milestones during the alpha or beta phase. The intent is that together, we create a feedback loop to ensure we intimately understand our community and your needs. It would be easier for us to make these decisions and roll out features randomly, but we have the luxury of being a new platform and getting to know you all before Moonbeam becomes home to millions of creators and fans worldwide. We’ll use this method as long as possible, so let’s take advantage of it!

So now it is discussion time! Let's work together to create the best live streaming platform ever created. 


- Anthony 
Moonbeam Revolutionary

113 votes • 4 days left




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3 days ago

Project Update: Moonbeam Stretch Goal Unlocked!!

A huge thank you and congrats, you did it!! You’ve helped us unlocked our first stretch goal and are taking your first step to define Moonbeam’s future!!

I’m in the air on an airplane writing this update as I fly to Florida with the fam to visit family and friends!

One stretch goal closer to the MOON!

For now we celebrate this historic moment for Moonbeam! Tomorrow, we will send out an update with next steps for you so you can get directly involved in voting on what direction Moonbeam prioritizes for our  roadmap—and more!

See you all soon, and thankfully the airplane gods smiled on me thus far, no wild delays or anything. Cheers!!

P.S. Seriously, thank you! We are going to be able to do some amazing things now that we’ve reached this point. Your support for a better live streaming platform is not only invaluable, you’re helping ensure others have a better experience online and are able to thrive.

- Anthony
Moonbeam Revolutionary 
Once we raise $50,000 we are going to unlock our first stretch goal! You'll vote on a new feature you want us to implement on Moonbeam!
Goal: $50,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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1 day ago

Project Update: Pyxis Showcase Stream with Pat

Hello everyone! Tonight, we have a special live stream for you at 9pm EDT / 8pm CDT / 6pm PDT!

Pat is going to be showcasing Pyxis and working on it live on stream here on BackerKit and on our Moonbeam Secret Rebel HQ on Twitch! This is going to be an interactive live stream where you can ask Pat questions about Pyxis or Moonbeam in general.

A lot of you have asked some great questions about how Pyxis works and how it is built, so Pat wanted to hop on a chat with you all as he develops Pyxis, a breakthrough moderation tool that you've helped fund and support.

This is going to be a 30-minute live stream, but Pat will stay on to answer any questions you all might have, so it can go over if you all want.

We hope you enjoy this special behind the scenes live stream with Pat! Cheers!

- Anthony
Moonbeam Revolutionary

113 votes • 4 days left




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4 days ago

Project Update: Moonbeam Updates for the Week!

Happy Monday everyone, Anthony here with a few updates about things to look forward to this week!

Live Streams:
Monday: Tonight at 8pm EDT / 7pm CDT / 5pm PDT, I join Cameron from the VOIDSTREAM to discuss TTRPGs, actual plays, and the horror genre!

Join us tonight!

Later this week: Pat will live stream his work on Pyxis. He'll make these streams engaging so you can participate and mess around with Pyxis yourself! I'll be visiting family in Florida, so I'll cheer Pat on from afar!

Next week, I'll be going to Gen Con, so if you're there, I hope to see you around!

Besides live streams, the engineering team is hard at work continuing to build Moonbeam. A large part of the team is focusing on Pyxis—Pyxis is getting close to living off Moonbeam, too, so you can use Pyxis in other places to help give you the comfort you need to create in peace or use it within your own communities on other platforms!

See you all tonight if you can make it! Cheers!

- Anthony
Moonbeam Revolutionary
Once we raise $50,000 we are going to unlock our first stretch goal! You'll vote on a new feature you want us to implement on Moonbeam!
Goal: $50,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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Do we need to wait another 2 months for it?





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6 days ago

Project Update: Moonbeam is getting noticed!

Hello Moonbeam friends, 'tis I, Anthony (you can tell I'm a TTRPG nerd at heart). I hope you all are enjoying your weekend!

This upcoming week, we'll be doing some more live streams, and Pat will be doing some while he works on Pyxis! We have some new and exciting news to share about Pyxis—news about how you all might be able to start using it soon, even before alpha phase and off Moonbeam on other platforms!

In other good news, Moonbeam is starting to make a splash and is getting noticed, all thanks to you and your support in sharing our story with others. Check out the video below. You'll see that we are heading into a big year, and with you backing us here on BackerKit, you've become the catalyst for launching Moonbeam into the live streaming space!

Today, we are $620 dollars away from our first stretch goal!! We are beyond excited to see that we're about to hit $50,000 in funding—thank you all so much!

You'll hear from us again on Monday when I shoot out info about Monday's live stream. Let us know if you want me or the Moonbeam team to discuss anything specific with you during our live streams—this is your show and your platform, and the entire Moonbeam team is here to speak to you about what you want!


P.S. I played in a Warhammer 40K tournament with my Dark Angels today and had some fun. Check out these beautiful models—the Emperor be praised!

Dark Angels Combat Patrol

- Anthony
Moonbeam Revolutionary and Dark Angels Enthusiast 
Once we raise $50,000 we are going to unlock our first stretch goal! You'll vote on a new feature you want us to implement on Moonbeam!
Goal: $50,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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7 days ago

Project Update: Friday Night Stream!

Hello everyone, and happy Friday!

Tonight, Anthony is setting up the Moonbeam secret rebel HQ on Twitch and live streaming at 9pm EDT / 8pm CDT / 6pm PDT!

We've said it since day one: Moonbeam is a non-exclusive live streaming platform, and we want all our creators to stream anywhere and everywhere they want!

Anthony will be hanging out, chatting with you all, and having fun! There might be games, Moonbeam discussion, and more!

Join via Moonbeams Rebel HQ or live here on BackerKit!

See you there!

- Moonbeam Rebel Communications Coordinator




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9 days ago

Project Update: Cooking with Moonbeam Live Stream Tonight!

Happy Wednesday!

Tonight we have a special live stream for you at 9pm EDT / 8pm EDT / 6pm PDT!

I’m going onto Rudy Basso’s Twitch channel where Rudy will be cooking my grandmothers special recipe! You can also join us on BackerKit to watch the live stream!

Growing up as a child in South Florida, I enjoyed visiting “Mom,” my loving grandmother Yvelise. Every weekend I visited Mom, she would make me a special treat as “Papi,” my grandfather, would turn on black and white films for us to watch. We called Mom’s treat “Yellow Hot Cereal,” and later, I came to know it by its true name, “Crema de Maiz.”

Mom perfected this dish as she grew up in Puerto Rico. As I grew up, I wanted to learn the recipe for myself. Mom never kept a recipe, so I had to watch her countless times as she masterfully crafted this delicious treat. Over time, I learned how to make yellow hot cereal, and I made a perfect recipe for it. 

Join us tonight as Rudy cooks it live while we  also talk about Moonbeam!

- Anthony
Moonbeam Revolutionary who also loves Yellow Hot Cereal!




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Are you a scammer?! If yes, honestly, just let everyone know. Stop keeping people awaiting your mysterious products! Let us live without hope and hate you for your disgusting behaviour!!! Just announce that you are a scammer. That's it

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