Get Ready for The Han Cluster, an Optimistic Sci-Fi RPG for Savage Worlds
by Ede Sol Games
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An Optimistic Future
The Han Cluster explores an optimistic human future of excitement, mystery and uncertainty. It combines the dangerous allure of worlds like Dune, Star Trek and The Expanse with personal stories of community connection and heroism like those found in Ted Lasso, and Lord of the Rings.
Optimism in Jeopardy
The year is 2653. A long, somewhat tenuous peace between the civilizations of Earth and its distant colony on the planet Edenic has reigned for well over 300 years. New planets have been discovered, remarkable technology developed, and despite immense challenges, we’ve still managed to overcome some of our greatest sociopolitical struggles.
We’ve also unlocked a strange phenomenon called the Nex, which has given us all glowing auras along with transhuman abilities we never could have dreamed of. Meanwhile, an increasing number of robots have mysteriously “Linked” to the Nex as well, somehow granting them true sapience as they’ve joined us on our journey. But along with all these amazing discoveries has emerged a strange new threat...
The Yellow Shift
There’s been a slow, almost imperceptible change in human space. General tension, intolerance, anger and paranoia are on the rise, and a civilization that had finally embraced kindness, empathy and peace now seems subtly driven to stoke the fires of irrational conflict. Along with these changes, a few gifted people have noticed that the Nex auras of almost everyone in human space have begun to shift in color very slightly from a vivid blue toward a bright yellow.
Heroes Emerge
You are among the precious few who can see the subtle color-shifting of everyone’s Nex auras. But you also sense this “Yellow Shift” is only a hint of a much greater problem. Being able to recognize what’s happening is one thing. Having the bravery to do something about it is another. You’ll need to gather allies, unite communities, fight enemies, discover long-hidden secrets, and even confront the most terrifying horrors behind the Yellow Shift itself to prevent everything humanity has accomplished from falling into ruin.
Heroes can emerge from anywhere... Do you have the courage to become one?
In the Han Cluster you'll find:
A rich dynamic setting set 600 years in the future in which humanity lives in precarious peace between two great civilizations: one on Earth, and one in the Han Cluster.
Full character creation rules for the humans and Linked Machines (sapient robots) that populate the Han Cluster.
Innovative rules for the transhuman abilities unlocked by the Nex, including the discovery of people's X-Ghosts, the ability for the party to mentally communicate with each other freely over interstellar distances, and the option to join other party members in their adventures, wherever they are, with a simple action called "Ghost Traveling."
Two brand new Arcane Backgrounds reflecting the powers the Nex has granted its most gifted adepts.
New Nex-based gear called X-Gear and draxels, plus dozens of new vehicles and starships based on the creation rules in the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion.
New Setting Rules that reflect the gifts of the Nex and the desperate fight against the Yellow Shift, like "X-Bonding," "Community Connection," and "All-The-Way Blue".
Eight fully fleshed out planets with distinctive human communities on each.
A full set of Adventure Generator tables, Encounter tables, and detailed GM advice about how to create your own adventures for the Han Cluster.
An epic ten-act Plot Point Campaign called Transcendence, which chronicles the heroes' desperate attempt to uncover some of the Han Cluster's most compelling mysteries, gather valuable allies, and finally put an end to the grave threat of the Yellow Shift before it claims the lives of everyone in human space.
A full set of Savage Tales, quick adventures in space and on various planets that can be placed into any Han Cluster campaign.
A full "Allies and Enemies" chapter with scores of human friends and foes, new "Linkable" robots, and native animal species to various planets, not to mention the horrifying agents of the Yellow Shift itself.
To get a look at the Han Cluster Jumpstart, check it out on DriveThruRPG!
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
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