C.D. Lombardi
about 2 months ago

Project Update: The Sum of All Writer's - Day 1 Update


What an incredible 24 hours!!! With your support, we met our original funding goal in just over four hours.! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This means so much to us. We are watching in amazement as your support continues to pour in.

We’d like to thank everyone who helped us spread the word, including Brandon Sanderson and his fantastic team at Dragonsteel, the Wolvertons, the incredible Apex Writers Group, editor extraordinaire September C. Fawkes, Kevin J. Anderson, and the great people at Superstars Writing Seminars, and all of you who shared our link with your friends, family, and fellow readers and writers. 

With your help, we are well on our way to our goal of shining a light on our mentor and inspiration, David Farland, who believed in helping writers share their stories with the world. In the same spirit with which Dave mentored so many authors, this BackerKit is also benefiting the David Farland Endowment Scholarship. 

Please continue to share our project and help us unlock our stretch goals. We are tantalizingly close to unlocking our first of four levels. (Don’t forget to check out our fun add-ons, too!)

The link to share is: https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/c-d-lombardi/the-sum-of-all-writers

Thank you again!

The Sum of All Writers Team
user avatar image for C.D. Lombardi




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