C.D. Lombardi
4 months ago

Project Update: The Sum of All Writers - Stretch goal #1 reached

Holy Smokes, everybody! You are on fire! 

Thank you so much for seeing our vision and jumping on board the backer train to help us bring more light and magic to the world. 

We are happy to announce that we have unlocked our first stretch goal! We will be helping everyone “mark their journey” with us by creating a memorable set of printable bookmarks commemorating this project inspired by stories in the anthology. 

We have now cruised past our first stretch goal and are quickly zooming in on our second. 

Our second stretch goal reward may be one you will find “puzzling” at first, but we think you will have a lot of fun with it!

Supporting this project aids us in helping more writers create incredible stories to share. This is our primary mission for this project:  As students and friends of David Farland, AKA The Wizard of Storytelling, we want to illuminate his teaching methods and “Pay forward” the gift he has generously shared with us.

We appreciate your support.

Thanks again! You are the BEST!




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