Latest from the Creator
Ben Costa
25 days ago
BIG NEWS!! We Are In Production!
It’s true, folks! After a harrowing quest of corrections, tweaks, and adjustments, we’re overjoyed to report that Land of Eem is finally in production! The printing presses are ...
Ben Costa
3 months ago
Prototype Pictures and Two New Adventures!
Well met, Adventurers of Eem! We’ve got a big update for you today. Not only are two new adventures ready to go, we’ve also got pictures of the physical prototypes to share! DO...
Ben Costa
5 months ago
Final PDFs and a New Adventure
Greetings, Adventurers of Eem! We hope your new year is starting off on the right foot! Here in Land of Eem, we’ve got a few things to share this week that you might enjoy. Fi...
Ben Costa
6 months ago
New Adventure, Digital GM Screen, and Proofing Update
Hello, Adventurers of Eem! As the leaves turn and the air grows crisp, we're here to spice up your gaming table with some good news from the Land of Eem! The Dredgelords - A N...
Ben Costa
7 months ago
Two PDF Adventures!
Strap on your questing boots and sharpen your wits because today we’ve got an update on all things adventure!  Two New Adventures Released! We are absolutely stoked to announc...
Ben Costa
8 months ago
Random Encounters, Slipcase, and more!
Hail, Eem Adventurers! Strap on your traveling pack and prepare yourself for an epic journey, because there's a lot to share today! The Mucklands Book of Random Encounters ...
Ben Costa
24 days ago

Project Update: BIG NEWS!! We Are In Production!

It’s true, folks! After a harrowing quest of corrections, tweaks, and adjustments, we’re overjoyed to report that Land of Eem is finally in production! The printing presses are chugging away with glorious fervor, and in the coming weeks and months, we’ll have even more progress updates and, ultimately, the shipping schedule! We are so eager and excited to get this game out into the world and into your hands. And we can’t thank you enough for bearing with us throughout this process. Land of Eem is a gigantic game with meaty books and tons of material, and we wanted to ensure that when these books get delivered, they are beautiful and of the highest quality. 

The Mucklands Explorer’s Guide & Adventures Collection

We are also excited to release The Mucklands Explorer’s Guide and The Mucklands Adventure Module Collection PDFs

How to Access Your Downloads:

  1. Go to your BackerKit survey
  2. Click the "Get Your Digital Downloads" button 
  3. Here is a link that should take you to your survey . You also should have received an email with a link.

The Mucklands Explorer’s Guide
This is a stripped-down version of the sandbox that acts as a kind of gazetteer for players. Full of locations, rumors, and NPCs, but all the secrets and mysteries are omitted for the GM to keep in their back pocket. Armed with the Explorer’s Guide, players will have ample tools to drive the action of your campaign.

The Mucklands Adventure Module Collection
All of the Mucklands adventure modules are anthologized in one book! We’ve already released 5 of the stretch goal adventures, and now the last one (Stormy Weather Friends by Rae Nedjadi) is included in the final collection. 

Each adventure has character Level recommendations and is categorized by three different tones, so you have a sense of what to expect: Hijinks (think The Muppets or Labyrinth), Derring-Do (think The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit), Doom & Gloom (think Conan the Barbarian or Mad Max). 

The Mucklands Adventure Module Collection contains:

  • Temple of the Sarpathi by Land of Eem creators Ben Costa and James Parks. Plus both adventures from the Core Rulebook and Quickstart Guide: Wally’s Waffles and Rats! and Curse of the Chicken-Foot Witch.
    • A village needs help rescuing kidnapped townsfolk from the clutches of mysterious serpent folk (Level 2+).
    • The famous tavern, Wally's Waffles and Weorgs, has a big rat problem and might have to close without the PCs' help (Level 1+).
    • The PCs help put an end to a curse-happy witch's antics (Level 1+).
  • Hippogruff Heist and Double the Treasure, Double the Trouble by JP Coovert
    • The PCs attend a riverboat party to steal back a gnome's secret book of recipes from a dastardly tycoon (Level 1+). 
    • The PCs are enlisted to find lost treasure in a dangerous reef inhabited by a kraken (Level 3+).
  • The Dredgelords by Amir Rao
    • The PCs work as roadies for a famous band on their tour through the dangerous swamp (Level 3+).
  • True Love’s Kidnapping by Kienna Shaw
    • A young noble wants out of her arranged marriage and hires the PCs to escort her to her true love (Level 3+). 
  • Stormy Weather Friends by Rae Nedjadi
    • A seaside town needs help rebuilding after a strange, magical storm (Level 1+). 
  • Eye of the Serpent God by Luke Gearing
    • An intense dungeon crawl through an ancient reliquary, in a race against the sarpathi Cult of Ehk (Level 7+).

Dungeoneer Adventures 3: Quest for the Wishing Stone - Out Now!

We’re stoked to share that while we’ve been hard at work on Land of Eem, our third Dungeoneer Adventures book, Quest for the Wishing Stone has been released! Following the events of Book 2, Coop and the Green team face off against their greatest challenges while searching for the mythical wishing stone! Their most epic and perilous adventure yet, it's a great story for kids looking to dive into reading, explore the Land of Eem, or just get excited for tabletop roleplaying games. Ask for it anywhere books or sold! 

Again, thank you so much for your continued support and patience as we get these books printed! We are looking forward to the day that we can share a concrete shipping date with you!

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Ben Costa
3 months ago

Project Update: Prototype Pictures and Two New Adventures!

Well met, Adventurers of Eem!

We’ve got a big update for you today. Not only are two new adventures ready to go, we’ve also got pictures of the physical prototypes to share!

To get the new downloads, go to your BackerKit survey, and they are under the "Get Your Digital Downloads" button. Here is a link that should take you to your survey . You also should have received an email with a link.

Two Slithery, Scaly Adventures
If there’s a major, unifying conflict in the Mucklands sandbox, it’s the rise of the sarpathi snake cult. Numerous quests are centered around this mysterious threat, and most of them are Doom & Gloom—darker and more perilous than your average, wacky escapade. The two adventures ready for download today definitely fall into that category. 

Temple of the Sarpathi
Funny story, this is actually the first adventure that we ever wrote for Land of Eem when we released the Beta rules. But we realized that it probably wasn’t the best example of the game’s overall whimsical tone, so we instead released Curse of the Chicken-Foot Witch (which is now in the Quickstart Guide). What you’ll have now is an updated version of Temple of the Sarpathi, and it’s a great way to introduce your group to the sarpathi conflict.

Eye of the Serpent God
Written by Luke Gearing (Wolves Upon the Coast, Acid Death Fantasy), this is a 30+ room dungeon crawl filled with danger and deadly adversaries. Definitely not suitable for your average boggart fresh out of Dungeoneer Academy! The adventure serves as a perfect funnel into the final conflict of the sarpathi. 

Prototype Pictures!
We’re super excited to share the physical prototypes that we just received in the mail. Overall, everything looks absolutely gorgeous. And we’re making sure everything looks exactly the way we want it to. 

Deluxe Box, Standard Box, Deluxe Drawer, GM Screen, Core Rulebook, Bestiary, Mucklands Sandbox

Standard Box Set

Deluxe Box Set sitting on the shelf

Standard Box Set Spine

Foldable Map Gameboard

Map Gameboard

Meeples and Map

The Road Ahead
February is Lunar New Year (Happy Year of the Dragon, by the way!), which means we hit a bit of a delay at the factory producing the books, but on the bright side, this actually has given us some time to fix a few more typos that the Discord community discovered! 

Thanks so much for your continued patience and support as things really start coming together with printing in the next month.  

–The Land of Eem Team!

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Ben Costa
4 months ago

Project Update: Final PDFs and a New Adventure

Greetings, Adventurers of Eem!

We hope your new year is starting off on the right foot! Here in Land of Eem, we’ve got a few things to share this week that you might enjoy.

Final PDFs of the 3 Books
With everything going to print, we have the final PDFs of the Core Rulebook, The Mucklands Sandbox, and the Bestiary to share with you. Many little typos and mistakes were caught in between now and the first release of the PDFs, so make sure to download these new ones! And although we’re saying “final,” that doesn’t mean we can’t update the PDFs in the future if need be. 

True Love’s Kidnapping - A New PDF Adventure
We’re excited to release a new adventure written by TTRPG writer and designer Kienna Shaw! True Love’s Kidnapping is a quest of Derring-Do, in which the PCs are hired by a wealthy noble to get her out of her wedding engagement and whisked away to a faraway place where her true love dwells. It’s sure to be a rollicking adventure with a few surprises! 

To get the new downloads, go to your BackerKit survey and they are under the "Get Your Digital Downloads" button. Here is a link that should take you to your survey . You also should have received an email with a link.

In our next update, we hope to share pictures of the proofs, which we should have in hand pretty soon! Thanks so much for your continued support and patience as everything comes together.

Your pals,
The Land of Eem Team
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Ben Costa
6 months ago

Project Update: New Adventure, Digital GM Screen, and Proofing Update

Hello, Adventurers of Eem!

As the leaves turn and the air grows crisp, we're here to spice up your gaming table with some good news from the Land of Eem!

The Dredgelords - A New PDF Adventure
Prepare your dice and gather your party, for a new quest beckons! We're thrilled to announce the release of The Dredgelords, a brand-new stretch goal adventure written by Amir Rao, Studio Director of Supergiant Games, and also one of our best friends (and dungeon master).

In The Dredgelords, the famous eponymous band is getting ready for their tour through the perilous Quagmash when everything seems to go sideways. But the show must go on! Journey through swamps and backwaters all while working as roadies for the enigmatic Dredgelords in this hijinks-filled adventure.

Digital GM Screen
If you ordered the GM Screen, a digital version is ready for you!

Updated Book of Random Encounters
There were some errors in the first release, so we have updated the book! The same link you used to access this file in your BackerKit now reflects the updated file. Thanks to everyone in the community who helped out by proofreading! 

To get the adventures, digital GM screen, and Book of Random Encounters, go to your BackerKit survey and they are under the "Get Your Digital Downloads" button. Here is a link that should take you to your survey . You also should have received an email with a link.

Proofing Complete for Land of Eem 
In other news, we’re finally done proofing all of the game components! Thank you so much to everyone involved, especially you folks on Discord! We’ve pored over every aspect of the game, doing our best to scrub for typos and make corrections, so everything can be as tight as can be for printing. That said, it’s inevitable there are some stragglers in there, but hey, we’ll call those happy little accidents that make the first printing particularly charming!

Imminent Production Announcement
With proofing wrapped up, we stand on the cusp of the next great phase - production! We should be getting a much better idea of the printing and fulfillment timeline in the coming weeks. 

We can’t thank you enough for hanging in there with us. Obviously, this whole process has taken much longer than any of us anticipated. With a project of this size and a core team that consists of just a couple of pals working closely with the wizards at Exalted Funeral, it’s been a heck of an undertaking! 

Thank you for your unwavering support and excitement about Land of Eem. Your passion fuels our commitment to release something we can all feel proud of. It's been fantastic to see so many folks already starting up games to make this world come to life. If you’re itching to play Land of Eem, dive in and join the weekly games on our Discord with a great group of people.  

Keep those swords sharp but your wits sharper! Until next time!

Your Pals, 
Ben and James
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Ben Costa
7 months ago

Project Update: Two PDF Adventures!

Strap on your questing boots and sharpen your wits because today we’ve got an update on all things adventure! 

Two New Adventures Released!

We are absolutely stoked to announce that two of the PDF adventures, penned by the remarkable J.P. Coovert, are now available for download for those who backed the campaign or purchased the Adventure Module Collection! 

  1. Hippogruff Heist - Get ready for some highfalutin shenanigans and track down a prized, magical cookbook aboard the infamous riverboat The Spiffy Scull. 
  2. Double the Treasure, Double the Trouble - Dive into a mini hex crawl through the Razor Ruin Reef to uncover the lost treasures of not just one but two pirate ships. 

To get the adventures, go to your BackerKit survey and they are under the "Get Your Digital Downloads" button. Here is a link that should take you to your survey . You also should have received an email with a link.

But wait, there's more on the horizon. These are just the first two adventures, with five more on the way. So stay tuned for updates. Once all of the adventures are fully complete, we’ll be putting them together into one PDF collection.

What’s next?

We’ll be providing another update on the printing side of things very soon. It's safe to say that we’re in the home stretch of having everything completely ready to print, and we can’t thank you enough for your patience. You’ve all been fantastic, and we appreciate your support and love for Land of Eem. If you haven’t already, join our Discord! Or stop by one of our live streams on Saturdays to say hello, or catch up with the adventures on the Land of Eem Podcast, our re-released Actual Play campaign, digitally tweaked and made available from the very beginning.

Here’s to the next adventure!

Your pals, 
Ben and James

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Ben Costa
8 months ago

Project Update: Random Encounters, Slipcase, and more!

Hail, Eem Adventurers!

Strap on your traveling pack and prepare yourself for an epic journey, because there's a lot to share today!

The Mucklands Book of Random Encounters PDF is HERE! 🎲
First things first, the much-anticipated Book of Random Encounters PDF is now available for download! Your journeys in Eem just got a lot more unpredictable and thrilling. With 1,500 Random Encounters (around 80 pages), you’ll be braving the murky Quagmash swamps or navigating the bustling city streets of Fleabag County with a huge variety of possibilities. From perilous encounters to fantastic discoveries, this book is an invaluable resource for Land of Eem and we’re super excited to get it into your hands. Look for links in your Backerkit account or in your email.

Slip into Elegance with our Slipcases! 📔
We're elated to unveil the designs for the box set slipcases. Originally, we were considering a nested box, but the slipcase made much more sense for Land of Eem’s three weighty tomes (plus the other extras). Crafted with both aesthetics and durability in mind, these cases will keep your books protected and look splendid on your shelves. And all of the gold filigree will be printed in gold foil on the slipcase!

All Book Covers: Finalized and Fabulous! 📚
The full cover designs for all our books have finally come together and are headed to pre-production for beautiful hardcover treatment!

Pre-Production: Engines are Roaring! 🛠️
We’re in the process of finalizing the files for print. That means double checking a ton of bits and bobs ranging from margins, to colors, to more complex elements like spot gloss and fancy gold foil. We’re dotting the i’s, crossing the t’s, and preparing the spells to bring Land of Eem to life. This stage ensures that every element, from printing quality to binding strength, meets a good standard, so that you all end up with the best books, maps, and game master screens that we can make.

What’s next?
First of all, we’d like to thank you sincerely for your patience. With a project this big (over 1000 pages of material!), it can take a minute to get everything ready. We encountered some pre-production delays, which are hard to predict, but are now moving forward. Your patience, feedback, and unwavering support have been like a wind in our sails! 

As we gear up for printing, we’ll keep you in the loop on every exciting milestone. Plus, we’re working to fulfill every PDF release, which includes the adventures and the Mucklands Explorer’s Guide sandbox companion, so you can beef up your games or kick off new groups. 

That being said, thanks again to everyone on the Land of Eem Discord! It’s so encouraging to see everyone sharing details of their games, engaging with the community, and kicking off new groups across the globe. We love you!

Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey. There’s more to come soon!

Your pals, 
Ben and James and Exalted Funeral 

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Ben Costa
9 months ago

Project Update: Pungeon Quest PDF, Online Generators & More! HA HA!

Greetings, Bold Backers!

Tell me, why do dragons await Land of Eem updates with bated breath? Because they’re fired up for some hot news! 
Prepare yourselves, adventurers… for it is I, The PUNDERLORD! And I’m positively thrilled to swing open the gates of my puntastic lair and bring you a flurry of updates! So without further ado!

  1. Pungeon Quest PDF Delivery! Rejoice! The Pungeon Quest PDF has dispatched to all those who purchased it! Check your inboxes (and maybe those pesky spam folders, just in case) for your digital copy and dive into the perilous puntastic system-neutral adventure that awaits. Contact [email protected] for any questions.
  2. Online Random Generators are LIVE! Perhaps you’ve already noticed, but now you can conjure a multitude of random elements to add flavor to your tabletop adventures! Need to populate your Land of Eem games with Towns, Taverns, NPCs, Dungeons, Encounters, Adversaries, Treasure Hoards, Items, or Crafting Components? Well, I’ve got you covered! HA-HA! Head over to our Random Generators! However, we have just one teeny note: the PC Generator is still being tweaked by my team of electric wizards, so it’s currently not functioning properly. But all the others are fair game! 
  3. Maps, Maps, and more Maps! You asked for it, so I commanded my minions to jump into action and upload all the Mucklands Settlement maps for you all to download! Just head on over to Land of Eem Maps!
  4. Land of Eem Books Printing Update! The Land of Eem books are mere inches away from being transformed into glorious print. We can almost hear the hum of the printing machines now! Stay alert, because an update on this is set to arrive imminently.

I bid thee thanks for all the unwavering support and passion for the Land of Eem! And for all you backers who pledged for the Pungeon Quest PDF adventure, I’ll be waiting HA HA!

Here’s to hijinks!
The Punderlord

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Ben Costa
10 months ago

Project Update: Important Update: PDFs Available & Printing Progress!

Ahoy Land of Eem Backers!

We hope this message finds you in the midst of a series of adventures! We are excited to share a HUGE MILESTONE, as well as give up an update on production and what’s next for the campaign! So without further adieu, the announcement!


Huzzah! The moment we've all been waiting for has arrived! The digital PDFs of the Core Rulebook,The Mucklands Sandbox Setting, and Bestiary Vol.1 are now available to Backers for download. 

We have to say, it's been a heck of a journey to make it this far and we want to shout out a special thanks to everyone who provided feedback when we released the proofs. A super-mega-jumbo amount of work went into it and we’re so, so thrilled to share them today so you can kick off new adventures with your groups!

To access your copy, please log into your Backerkit account and click Get Your Downloads. If you have any trouble downloading your PDF, don't hesitate to contact us. We’ll get you squared away in two shakes of a liger shark’s tail. Seriously, we're here to help and want to ensure that you can dive into the fantastical Land of Eem without delay.

Additionally, both editable and printable Character Sheets, as well as a high resolution final version of the Mucklands Map are live on! See? There they are!

As with all large projects, we've encountered some hiccups along the way, specifically on the printing side of things. We've been diligently working through some minor technical difficulties (which mostly have to do with finalizing hundreds of odds and ends) to ensure the final physical product is nothing short of spectacular. The good news is, with the PDFs now complete, we’re finally ready to submit everything to print in the coming days. So hold onto your hats!

We know our original target for fulfillment was some time in August, but given our current timeline, it looks like the print version will be delayed at least a couple of months (we’re working to pin down an exact timeframe as we speak). We know you’re all eagerly anticipating having Land of Eem in your hands and we’re working around the clock to make that happen as swiftly as we can! We’re absolutely dedicated to releasing the highest quality game that we possibly can and making sure the production values are stellar.

Rest assured, we will keep you posted every step of the way now that the PDFs are available. Our commitment to transparency and frequent updates will be stronger than ever.

Thank you again for your amazing support, your patience, and your passion for Land of Eem. No joke, we're deeply grateful to have such an awesome, creative, imaginative, and supportive community backing us up (Shout out Discord!). And we’re stoked that with the PDFs released, you’ll be able to fully explore the game and world that we've created.

Until next time, may your dice rolls be high and your adventures be epic!

Thanks again, 
The Land of Eem Team

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Ben Costa
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Preview PDFs Available Now!

Hip hip hooray! Or dare we say, Huzzah! 

Big news! We’ve just entered the Proofreading stage for the Land of Eem PDFs of the Core Rulebook, Bestiary Vol. 1, and the Mucklands Sandbox…

…And you’re all invited to participate!

From now until June 9th, give the preview PDFs a read, and let us know if you spot any spelling mistakes or funny business! Just jump into our Discord in the Proofreading Feedback channel and share your notes. (FYI, none of the Table of Contents have been finished yet, and there are numerous page references (pXX) that haven't been updated.)

You will receive notifications today of the files being in your BackerKit account. Simply click on the link from the email from BackerKit or access your BackerKit survey and go to your downloads section to see the 3 files now available!

Remember, after June 9th, we’ll start making the necessary corrections and preparing the finalized PDFs for print, so make sure to send us anything you spot before then. And once we’re all wrapped up with finalization, we’ll be able to distribute the final PDFs and kick off your adventures in the Land of Eem!

It feels great to make it to this monumental milestone. Land of Eem is a monster of a project but we’re close! Thank you so much for all your support! Proofreading is a big undertaking and we really appreciate the help. 

Thanks again!

The Land of Eem Team





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Ben Costa
about 1 year ago

Project Update: May Campaign Update

Hey Folks! We’ve got another update for you from the Land of Eem!

Layout for all the books is nearing completion and we’re almost ready to kick off the final proofing. Once layout is done, all backers will be able to help out with proofreading by checking out the unproofed PDFs. So look out for those PDFs in the coming weeks. Now take a gander at some spreads from the Core Rulebook:

And more spreads from the Bestiary:

Once the final edits are made, we’ll be able to start preparing the PDFs for print, and share them with all of you! 

In other Land of Eem news, we’re super excited to share that Dungeoneer Adventures 2: Wrath of the Exiles is on sale May 2nd! In fact, we’re writing this update from our book tour through Chicago, Minneaplis, Denver, and San Francisco!

Perfect for fans of The Last Kids on Earth and The Bad Guys series, Dungeoneer Adventures: Wrath of The Exiles is a great introduction to the Land of Eem for kiddos ages 8+!

Thanks so much for your support and patience as we complete the game!

--The Land of Eem Team




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Ben Costa
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Land of Eem March Update!

Ahoy there, folks! Just wanted to give a quick update on everything Land of Eem!

The layout for the Mucklands sandbox is nearly finished at over 400 pages!

And the Core Rulebook layout is well underway. The art team is still completing extra spot art to fill out the empty spaces in both books! 

Meanwhile, the Bestiary is fully edited, just waiting to be laid out. And all of the guest authors have completed their stretch goal adventures. Here’s an awesome video that JP Coovert put together detailing his process making one of his Land of Eem adventures.

Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned for more news in the coming weeks! 

--The Land of Eem Team





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Ben Costa
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Happy Holidays Year End Update!

Happy holidays! The past few months have been super busy on our end, editing all the books, working on art, and prepping for layout! 

We’re excited to share the Land of Eem Core Rulebook manuscript with you all! (UPDATE: the document is no longer available to check out! Thanks to all who gave their feedback!)

We’d love to get extra eyes on it for any pesky typos and the like, so please leave comments in the doc or head to our Discord! The manuscript will be up and available to check out for two weeks until January 6th, and then it will be heading into layout.

Speaking of layout, the Mucklands sandbox book is well underway, and it is a beast! Here are a couple sneak peeks, including some town maps by artist Moreno Paissan.

We are super excited with how everything is shaping up and can’t wait to share the PDFs with you sometime next year when everything goes to print!

Your Pals, 
The Eem Team





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James Parks
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Cards about to be charged!

Heroes! Backers! Friends!

Your add-ons have been…added! And your orders were locked in. Now we have reached that critical milestone where we push the red shiny button that will send a charge to all of your cards. This is a pinnacle moment, friends. Within the next 24 hours you should see a Backerkit charge from us. We are one step closer to Land of Eem landing with a solid thwap! on your gaming table. This is exciting!

Thanks again for all of your support in making Land of Eem a reality. You are the best.

Until the next update,
The Land of Eem Team




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Ben Costa
over 1 year ago

Project Update: All Surveys Have Been Sent!

The Pledge Manager, as well as the Pre-Order Store for folks who missed the campaign, are now live! Thanks so much for your patience in the last month.

We also want to clarify something. In the post campaign update we mentioned the possibility of extending the GM Screen and Gelatinous Goo Dice stretch goals into the Pledge Manager. After carefully considering the logistics, we decided that it just wouldn’t be feasible. But we still want to make the screen and dice available to you, so we are offering them as add-ons AND we’ve discounted them for backers!  

Check out the amazing GM Screen art by John Loren!

We also have Dungeoneer Adventures and all 3 volumes of Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo available as add-ons, in addition to many other goodies. Be sure to check everything out on offer.  

If desired, you can easily switch your pledge level by clicking on "Switch your Pledge Level" at the start of your survey under the "Get Started! green button. Here is a screenshot:

Thanks so much for your support throughout the campaign. For any questions or concerns, please send us a note at [email protected].

--The Land of Eem Team




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Exalted Funeral Press
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Pledge Manager Surveys Out to Backers THIS WEEK!


Smoke rises over the horizon! Do you see it? Is it an omen of things to come? YES! Yes it is.

We are about to launch our Pledge Manager Surveys smoke test. This means that roughly 5% of you will receive an email asking for you to come to the Pledge Manager. Once we check results in a day or so and everything looks good, we will press the LAUNCH button and it will be sent out to the rest of you*!

We appreciate everyone’s patience as we worked diligently to make sure we had all the information in the Pledge Manager 115 percent accurate for each of you.

There is still more work to be done before we can get the books, screens, dice, and meeples into your paws, but we can hardly wait.

If you have any questions, concerns, or amazing Eem sandwich recipes, please send us a note at [email protected].

Until the next update, adventurers!

Land of Eem Team

*Retailer Backers! We are waiting on additional information from our manufacturer before sending out your surveys. We will update you on delivery when we have this info. Thanks for your patience!





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