Green Leaf Geek
4 months ago

Project Update: BIG UPDATE & POLL! Please read <3


The sticker designs are done, friends, and they're beautiful!
I asked Zack to design stickers that would have some transparent details incorporated so that the holographic details could shine through, and he really delivered!

Here is a mockup of the sticker sheet that all physical backers will be receiving! The stickers will be kiss-cut for easy removal from the backing paper and printed on high-quality holographic vinyl.

The team that I work with for dice production also has a contact for stickers so I'll be asking for samples from them (I used them for my Purryhedrals stickers which are great), and if they can't make the holographic thing work I will be using my regular supplier here in North America to get these made. They're going to be rad!


I'm excited to share that Jes The Human has agreed to write the one-shot adventure for this campaign! It is going to a system-agnostic adventure so you can run it in any system you like! It's going to be a very fun cyberpunk murder-mystery type of adventure and honestly I can't wait to play it (or maybe run it?) myself!

We are creeping closer to hitting our $30K stretch goal and unlocking the next design, but with that in mind I wanted to ask for an update from y'all! We had lots of votes pre-campaign about the order of unlocking designs, but now that we're in it I want to make sure we are unlocking the right designs for the folks who are supporting the campaign! With that in mind, please fill out the poll below to vote on which set you'd like unlocked next!

And don't forget to share the campaign with your friends, family, and TTRPG group! 

Much love

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