Green Leaf Geek
4 months ago

Project Update: New & IMPROVED!

Hello, hi, hey there!

Thanks so much for your continued support and interest! 

There are a couple of new and exciting changes in the Hidden Glow UV-activated Dice Backerkit campaign I thought you might want to hear about!

The New:

I've added 2 new pledge options: a pair of D20s and a pair of D6s. These are perfect for advantage pairs in D20-based systems or for rolling in PbtA or other D6 systems. They're discounted from buying a single die, and also come with ALL unlocked stretch goals we might hit along the way!

The Improved: 

I've reduced the price of the single D20 and single D6 pledge levels from $22 to $20CAD. I think this better reflects the value of these pledge levels and hopefully helps a few more folks with affordability, too! The D20 and D6 add-ons will also been adjusted in price as soon as I figure out how to make that happen.

ALSO! I've added a WHOLE BUNCH of photos to the campaign, so you can get a better idea of what we're crowdfunding! Come take a peek at the updated campaign page and see what's new!

A very zoomed-out screenshot of the new photos added to the campaign page

Don't forget to tell your friends!

user avatar image for Green Leaf Geek




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